Chapter 2

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We walked to "Crème figs", the organic coffee shop on Swell Avenue about 4 blocks down from school, the walk never bothered us, and it was so worth it. I wanted to move to Swell Avenue. It was filled with home grown shops at every corner, snug bookstores, vintage electronic stores, coffee shops, an indie cinema, where they would play French films from the 50's, and documentaries about rock legends like KISS, or David Bowie. There was an old pastry store that mastered in macaroons and cannoli’s, and right beside it was "Don's records", run by an old hippie named Don who protested in the human rights campaign. He would tell me stories of how they would play Bob Dylan and John Lennon's lyrics on the streets as a sign of protests. I went to his record shop a lot, all his records where priceless, all old but yet all so loved. I dreamed of living here, and renting out one of their Parisian styled apartments, where I would bike to journalism school and drink coffee with my friends in the mornings. Spend my nights curled up at the back of a small library and read my childhood favorite comics, like "Archie" and "Betty and Veronica”. I am not certain about a lot of things in my life, especially the pathway of my career, but I knew for sure that that was something I for longed.

As I walked into "Crème Figs", our escape haven, I ordered my soy cappuccino, Electra getting the pumpkin spice latte, and Sage the matcha green tea latte. We sat by the tall, clear glass window, directly opposite the finely white painted brick wall and tiny cactus planted on our table.

While updating with each other, Electra suddenly explodes, banging her hands on the coffee table, mouth gaped, literally out of her seat, obviously excited about something, again.

"GUYS GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT! GUESS WHO'S HAVING A CONCERT ON SUNDAY? THE ROLLING STONES, THE GOD DAMN ROLLING STONES, ARE COMING HERE, TO NEW YORK CITY, FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. Literally guys I have been waiting for this for my whole life, and I'm going to go buy the tickets right now and you are going to come with me and your going and-"

I stopped listening after ‘The rolling stones are coming.’ The Rolling Stones were my absolute favorite band, all of ours actually, Mick Jagger being my celebrity crush since I was 7, I couldn't contain my happiness as I screamed…


A man in a green apron suddenly appeared in my vision.

"I’m sorry miss can you please stop screaming your disturbing costumers" My cheeks flushed, I had just realized all the darting eyes aimed at our direction, but I couldn't care less, I was at the verge of crying ecstatically.

"Sorry sir." He sympathetically smiled, understanding that I didn't mean to bother anyone or seem obnoxious in any way. I was a quite reserved person; I didn't try to drag attention to myself, ever.

Sage was laughing as I crinkled my nose out of embarrassment.

"Remind me why we don't have boyfriends?" she said.

Gulping down her latte Electra dramatically enters the conversation." Because fuck boys, but fuck boys, you feel me. I don't get, were hilarious, were artistic, we are mature,”

“Don’t forget hilarious!” I butt in jokingly.

“ Trust me I didn’t, but honestly we all agreed that we don’t need to be in relationships to answer all our problems, and I totally stand by that, but sometimes it gets kind of lonely, and I just wonder if there is something wrong with me. I know I act all confident around boys and I have high standards, but I am fragile, you know?” Electra had just taken this conversation to a different place.

“ Electra, you have nothing to worry about, one day, where all going to fall desperately in love with someone, and it’s going to work out because we never rushed into things, we figured ourselves out first. We have all the time in the world.”

I could relate to Electra, though I was trying to lift her spirits up, I was trying to lift mine up as well; I couldn’t help to think like she did sometimes.

“ This is why I’m waiting till college so I can move to Paris and meet a deeply troubled hot Parisian artist who will cook French food for me.” Sage’s plan didn’t seem so bad.

Taking my last sip of my cappuccino, I ended our stay at our café.

“ Do you guys want to go buy the tickets now?” Sage and Electra both replied with a smile, tucking their chairs and grabbing their handbags onto their shoulders.

As we exited the door, a vibrating buzz coming from my bag, my phone. Bringing the screen to my vision, I saw the name I expected the least, my mother.


So i double updated for the release day. I hope you guys like it and Harry will be coming soon i promisexx I hope you are enjoying it i will be updating tmw OH AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY 

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