Chapter 13 - I love you

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Baekhyun's POV

I immediately pushed him away I look at his Dad and as what I expected he look so shocked.


"Ah excuse—excuse me it's not what you think Sir—" I try to explain myself but he is really angry.

"STOP IT!" he screamed while pointing his finger at my face "stop talking and stop lurking around my son!" But Sir your son is the one who lurks around me.

"get out of here father" Chanyeol removed the finger pointing at me then he open the car's door in front of us then he pushed his Dad inside the car and let him seat at the passenger seat. "and don't lay a finger on him or else—"

"or else what? huh? don't make me laugh son.." Chanyeol close the door but the window slide down "you can't even stand on your own."

"come on" I look at him his face look so serious, so I just let him drag me going back to my apartment as soon as we enter I smell something delicious. I stop him because he is walking so fast.

"wait!wait!" he let go of my hand then he never look back at me instead he walk towards the kitchen. Is he cooking?

I look around and it's all neat and clean, the dining table is filled with delicious homemade kimchi stew, egg rolls, and tteokbokki.

"what are you doing?" I ask, he look back still wearing that serious face.

"cooking, are you blind?" he said with a sarcastic tone.

"I mean why are you cooking? and why are you still here?"

Instead of an answer he just went back on cooking whatever he is cooking.
"when you released the video that got me suspended, my father throw me out of the house, so as your payment you have to let me live here.."

"how many times do I have to tell you that I didn't do it." I whisper.

"What did you say!?" he said as he walk towards me while holding a container bowl filled a mountain of cooked rice. Then he place it on the table then he sat down.

"I said I told you I didn't do it~" I repeat.

"whatever, just sit down and eat with me."

"no, I'm good.."

"Byun Baekhyun if I said you have to eat with me, then you have to get your ass here and eat!" he raised his voice so I just sigh and gave in, I sat down beside him which the only seat available, he served food on my plate. He is acting weird again.

"by the way" I pick up the chopsticks and tried to have a normal conversation with him. "why did you do that to your father, you made him mad at you more...why don't you just follow hi—"

"why don't you just shut up? it's my business, not yours!" he is raising his voice again, well then I will not mind his business. I'm just concern!

He started eating again then he look at me. "eat!" I just sigh and starts eating as well.

I suddenly want to ask this question again.

"when will you let go of me?" I ask. I'm still hoping he will change his mind and stop bothering me.

"no, and I will never let you go Byun Baekhyun" he huskily said, yeah that's sexy but that doesn't impress me Park Chanyeol you're still a jerk.

Baekhyun, You're Mine! by selucentWhere stories live. Discover now