Chapter 16 - I have to stop myself

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Chanyeol's POV

Chanyeol don't do it.

I bite my lower lip and untouced him.

"sorry" I won't be that 'dumbass Chanyeol' anymore, I already promised to respect him even if he is so kissable right now. Shit, Chanyeol stop it.

"Kevin is a good guy" he said and it's still painful whenever he mentioned that guy's name, I know! YES! of course, I hate him! I don't like other guy touching Baekhyun, but who am I to stop him. I think Baekhyun him. Shit, this is so annoying! But if that Kevin did something wrong or hurt Baekhyun I won't think twice to kill him with my own hands.

"you should sleep now" he stand up then left without looking at me. I heard he closed his room's door. I just took a deep breath and grab the throw pillow I lay down and closed my eyes. I still feel dizzy, I think I drank too much beer. aish, my head hurts.

I suddenly felt a warm blanket that covers my body I peeked and I saw Baekhyun smiling at me the lights are all out but his face still shines. He brushed my hair that sends comfort to my whole body. Am I dreaming?


I open my eyes as the sun shines on my face I faced the other side to avoid the sun but then a memory struck in my head, I realized where I am. I sit up and look around I'm still at Baekhyun's apartment and there's now a blanket that covers me. So, last night was not a dream.

I see my clothes on the table and they are properly folded and clean, on the top of it there's my phone. I took it and I saw it's already ten in the morning.

"God, I overslept." I whisper, I stand up and stretch my arms while yawning. I stop when the door flew open Baekhyun came out he is wearing a thick jacket, bonnet and he is holding a big paper bag with I think groceries that almost covered his whole face.

"oh you're awake" he said as he gazes at me, I run towards him and help him carry both of the paper bags and it's really heavy. Did he climb the stairs while carrying these bags?

"These are heavy why you didn't wake me up when you leave for grocery, so I could help you." I said while walking towards the kitchen then I placed the grocery bags on the dining table.

"no, I can do it....thank you." he said while unpacking the stuff he bought. He didn't give me any glance, I think he still angry with me. I understand him, that's fine with me at least I still can talk to him.

"are you going to bake something?" I ask I notice he bought bags of flour, sugar, chocolates and a lot more things to use for baking.

He nod while checking the label of the cereal box he bought, I look at him his face is glowing and blushing red. I remove his bonnet that reveals his grey hair, that really suits him.

"you colored your hair? why?"

He looked away and ignores me, but how come he changed the color of his hair. He makes me fall even harder, shit Park Chanyeol stop it!

"I want to surprise Kevin so I colored my hair and I will bake some cookies for him." I almost choke and I feel like there's a ton of spear drilling in my heart. I really hate that guy! I will kill him! shit, Chanyeol stop yourself calm down!

I don't actually kill but in my mind? Kevin is already dead. I took a deep breath.

"are you making me jealous?" I jokingly ask but I mean it, but instead a laugh he just glared at me.

Baekhyun, You're Mine! by selucentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें