Chapter 29 - Epic First Date

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Chanyeol's POV

After that kiss I left him speechless and yes that is what I want him to be. I can see through his eyes that he is totally in love with me. Don't worry Baekhyun-ah I will take responsible for it.

I sang two more songs before my small gig ended. And once I get down the stage some guests praised my voice so I thank them all. We stayed for an hour so I could get my salary from Manager Kim. I left Baekhyun outside Manager Kim's office with my stuffs and guitar.

Manager Kim gave me a brown envelope.
"That's your salary from me" then he gave me another brown envelope. "This is the tip you got from the customers earlier, good job Chanyeol!" Manager Kim tap my shoulder while I am still surprisingly looking at my first salary. I can't believe I really earn this money.

"and by the way" Manager Kim said so I look at him once again. "would you like to be my regular player here? not everyday, I can schedule you at Friday and Saturday night. How about that?"

"For real?"

"seems my customers likes you and you will be a great help to my bar"

"woah" I said out loud. I mean I love singing and I didn't know I will get this opportunity to use it for living. It's amazing. "I mean sure, Manager Kim!"

"It's a deal then Mr. Park?" we shake our hands to settle our arrangement. I bow and thank him for giving me an opportunity like this.

He tap my shoulder while leading me to the door.
"I will email the contract later, okay?"

"Okay, Manager Kim! Thank you again!" I bow several times until I left his office. And once I walk outside the office I immediately saw Baekhyun standing at one corner while holding my guitar case. I literally run towards him.

"so'? how was it?" he asked with a curious look on his face. But all I can do is to hug him, after hugging him I showed him the envelopes I was holding.

"I got my first salary and a tip!" I said that made him happy as well. "aaaaand they gave me a regular job here as their acoustic singer every Friday and Saturdays!"

"really! wow, I'm so happy for you!" He said then he jump a little then hug me. "I told you everything's going to be okay!"

I hug him tighter and yes I trust him with that.
"yes, lucky I got the best lucky charm right here" I let go from our hug to kiss his forehead. "thank you" I sincerely said, I don't know how much lucky I am to meet this guy. He changed me in so many ways that I can't almost recognize myself. I feel like I was born again, my awful life resets and now I am back on track.

"Hey! Let's celebrate! my treat!" I said then I pick up my guitar then sling it on my shoulder.

"let's just eat at home." he said.

"but we never had dinner outside before, we never had a normal date, right?" I confirmed while looking back and yes we never had an official date before. We are always at school and apartment.

I held his hand while walking outside the bar. I look at his face and it seems like he is thinking about it.
"fine, you're right" he said that made me so happy and excited. "don't be grand okay?" He said and I agree on him. I know he is just concern with my financial status which I totally understand but someday I will definitely give him everything without even check the price tag of anything.

We decided to go to a samgyupsal place which we both agree to it. This is my first time eating at this kind of place, I only went to this kind of place when I'm with my Father but that really suffocates. It is really different right now. I feel so excited.

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