Chapter 1 - The Jerk's Bitch

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Baekhyun's POV

"BYUN BAEKHYUN! CATCH!" I lookback to where I hear someone calling my name which I regret on doing the second I did turn as I didn't expect a flying ball is going to hit my face. The impact was so hard that made me off balance and land my butt on the floor.

My vision gets blurry as my glasses fell somewhere on the ground. I tried to search for it but I know it's too late as I heard a cracked and to the sound of it somebody step on it. Everyone is laughing that makes me want to run and just be eaten by the ground.

"aaaw you poor thing~ you can't see?" I look up to see Park Chanyeol 's blurry face he is with his group of friends again. I knew it was his annoying voice, I knew it very well. He loves bullying nerds or weaks like me and whenever I fight back he will get mad at me and do worse than stepping on my glasses.

I pick up my books I find my crack glasses on the ground, even it's already broken I still wear it because I badly want to go. So I did. I run away from the crowd but before I even disappear to their sight here is the embarrassing part. I bump my head on the wall that makes everyone laughed at me.....again. I really want to fight back but my stupid self is too coward to do so....I just run. Like what I always do.

I quickly run to the university clinic to ask for some medical assistance since I got a little scratch on my forehead from hitting the wall earlier.

"What happen Baekhyun!? What happen with your glasses!" nurse Yoona asked, she is concern with me I can feel it through her voice but even If I tell her nothing will happen. I'm afraid with what he can do worse if I reported him and his doings.

"No-nothing nurse, my glasses fell then...I step on it and while walking here I didn't see the wall so...I bump my head...on it" I lied, her face turn calm and starts disinfecting the half inch scratch on my forehead using a cotton ball with an alcohol. It hurts!

I hissed as the alcohol touching the open wound.

"are you getting bullied?" she ask with a worried eyes.

So I just wave my hand and smile at her to convinced her that I'm fine.

"a-ah no no no, nurse." I said.

Nurse Yoona held my hand after putting some bandages on my forehead.

"just tell me, I can help you." she gently said. I retrieved my hand and stand up then I gave her another smile. No this is not going to work I have to go.

"Thank you....for the treatment...Nurse Yoona." I bow before walking out of the clinic. If I report Park Chanyeol to the higher officials he will definitely get mad or rather kill me using his fist, so I should avoid him as much as I can. That is a much better solution.

The University bell rang it means it's time for everyone to go home but before I walk home I have to return the books I borrowed at the library earlier. I also love the corridors in times like this, it's quiet, no students around and no bullies, I can walk freely with no worries.

Since it's really quiet my attention was easily snatched by some moans and pants that send some goosebumps all over my body I look around but all I can see is empty rooms. As I step forward the noises is getting louder and I think it is coming from the abandoned classroom located in the deep corner of the university. Out of curiosity I peek where the sounds coming from, I tiptoed at one of the windows I was surprised to see Park Chanyeol the Basketball Team's Captain ball is pinning and kissing down a girl and she is not an ordinary girl, she is the leader of the cheering squad. She is very popular with boys and prima donna in some ways.

I panicked as they both look at my direction, I accidentally tumble the books that I was holding I hurriedly picked them up and run as fast as I could.

"I'm so dead." those are the words that I keep on chanting in my head and a lot more things, like what if he caught me? will he kill me? Sheesh!

I run going to my apartment I even forget about returning the books that I borrowed.

I can still remember the way his brows furrows and his glaring eyes at me. So scary!

I slowly and vigilantly walk home, Park Chanyeol might be around jump in and kill me. I don't want to die! not like this!

I run as fast as I could until I get home.
"Finally home!" I punched in my passkey and walk inside my apartment and locked it and check all the windows and entrances.
"ALL LOCKED!" I took a deep breath in relief.

*iPhone opening tone*

"AH!!" I scream as my own phone rings, God! whatever is happening right now make me so anxious!

I picked up the phone.
"Hello Sweetheart" oh it's my mom.

"Oh! Hi Mom!"

"how's your day?" She ask.

"same as always" I took a glass of water in the kitchen I drink a little to lessen the nervousness inside my chest. "how about you? where is your husband?" I really hate to mention his name.

"I i-i really don't know" she sobs. God! Here we go again.

My mom and my stepdad are not in good terms for so many years now. I don't know why she still love that guy!  When my dad died my mom met this guy and he is nothing but a headache, it was also the reason why I stepped out of my comfort zone and look for a scholarship which luckily I found one. That is the university where I'm studying right now. I also work at night in a convenience store to fill in my daily needs. It's hard but I have to live.

"mom, please stop crying..." I want to hug her and calm her. I want her to stop crying but I don't know how if we are too far from each other like this. I missed her.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, please take care of yourself! okay?"

"I will mom, I will come by this weekend okay?" I promised her to visit her every weekend.

"Okay okay! I love you!"

"I love you too Mom" I smile a little. This is too warm, I love this feeling.

I hang up because it's really painful to hear her cry for a useless person like my stepdad.

*buzz buzz*
I received a message from an unknown number, that freaks me out.

from: *********
I see you


So since I will reupload all the chapters I changed some words in every chapters. But the story will still be the same! Thank you!

Don't forget to vote and leave some comments below! See you on the next chapter!

Love, selucent.

Baekhyun, You're Mine! by selucentWhere stories live. Discover now