Chapter 35 - Baby Come Back Home

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Chanyeol's POV

When we land back to Korea and we are welcomed by Yixing-hyung, Jongdae, and Sehun. They all happy to see us. I thank Jongdae for lending their plane to us and with Yixing hyung as well he did another big thing for me. I gave him a super tight hug.

"Hyung, THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I said, I don't know what will happen to me without them.

"Hyung, where is Baekhyun?" I asked but I guess he is at home with his parents. Well that is my thought. But then I stop as I saw someone is standing behind Yixing-Hyung. It was him.

I am home.

"Sorry I'm late~" he said while smiling. God I miss those smile.

I felt my weary heart and I want to rest on his shoulder so I did. I bury my face on his shoulder and there I cried all my fears and anger of losing him. I know I was acting so tough with all the things happened but when it comes to him I want to show myself to him. I want him to know that I am weak without him. I want him to know that I am this sad without him.

"Everything is alright now. Don't cry" he whisper to my ear but instead I hug him so tight and I don't care if we are in a public place I will cry and hug him. I will never let him go ever again.

"I will let you hug me till you drop later but you have to let go first 'kay?" he whispered but even though I don't want his idea I let go from the hug. He laugh while wiping tears. I can see through his eyes that he is happy to see me.

"uhm Baekhyun?" we both look at Kyungsoo with an apologetic face. "Baekhyun, I'm sorry for everything I did—" but instead a word Baekhyun just hug Kyungsoo.

"Don't worry about it. The important thing is you are both free" Baekhyun said to Kyungsoo but also affects me a lot. I am free.

"Thank you Baekhyun for understanding." Kyungsoo said then he cried again that made Jongin to panic so it's his time to comfort him. We all laughed at Jongin's face as if it was the first time he saw someone cried. But sure he is in love.

After we all calm down we bid our goodbyes and also take a good rest. Jongin took Kyungsoo home to fulfill his promise, Sehun and Jongdae went home together. While Yixing-Hyung took me and Baekhyun to his house for our safety as well while the police are still on an ongoing investigation about what happen.

I thank Yixing-Hyung for driving us home and I gave him a big hug again before leaving.

"Chanyeol! You're safe!" Baekhyun's Mom came rushing to me then she hug me and I felt the care of a mother on her. I feel glad. "thank you for protecting my son" She hug me even tighter. "thank you so much" She said again and I know as a Mother she is worried too.

"I love Baekhyun so much and I won't let anything happen to him. I promise that." I let go from out hug then she just nod and brush my face gently. I feel my Mom's presence in here and her smile shows that she is really proud of me.

I hug her again but I pulled Baekhyun with us for a group hug. They are my family from now and I promise to protect them.

After that warm hug we decided to take a rest at Baekhyun's room. The room where I first realized I am madly in love with him.

"Go ahead and take a bath, I'll just get you some clothes so you can cha—" I stop him from moving by holding his wrist. He may find me possessive but after all those days not being with him is like a hell for me and I am at the point of wanting him by my side every seconds of my life.

Baekhyun, You're Mine! by selucentWhere stories live. Discover now