Chapter 7 - Blood Kisses

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Baekhyun's POV

After that night with him we slept together, It feels like a nightmare. I still can't believe he took my virginity last night and I can't believe what he did! I hate him so much!

When the morning comes he drive me home, he asked for my number and the passkey for my apartment.

"It's Saturday why don't we just stay in bed?" he whispers in my ear so I push him and stand away from him. Is he not yet tired? What kind of animal is he? sheesh, what did I get into?

"I-I'm going to my mom's place..." I promised my Mom that I'll visit her this weekends and I want to escape from this jerk just for a day before he ruins my whole life.

"I'm coming with you!"

"NO! I mean no need—"

"I want to meet her as well~" what? I froze as he touch my face which I don't know why? I close my eyes while breathing heavily, I always get nervous whenever he land his stupid hands on every part of my skin.

I don't have any choice but to let him do what he wants. I let him come with me because he threatened me that he will upload 'my video' If I won't let him come with me. Such a pain.

I informed my mom that I'm going home today and she sounds so happy and excited, we used his car and took an hour drive. We're so quiet during our trip, which is really weird and scary and sometimes thought about eant happen last night. I hope this is just a plain nightmare.

After an hour we arrived at my place.
"Just park it there~" I said while pointing at the vacant lot at our front yard. I step outside the car and stare at our old house. It's a two storey house, painted with white, in front there's a lot of withered roses, that shows my mom couldn't take care of my roses.

"I'm sorry If I can't take care of them~" I look at my mom standing at our doorstep. She is wearing my apron, her hair is undone, her face has bruises. Again! I took her hand and press it a little.

"Mom, why did you let him hurt you again?" a tear fell from my eyes, I couldn't help it I hate to see her like this everytime I go home.

"no this is not his fault, it's my fault I accused him of having an affair with another wo—"

"I don't care! He still hurting you!"

"sweetheart" he called me softly she caress my face. "I'm fine, don't you worry—" She always say that and I hate it!

She removed her gaze at me and  look behind me. "oh, you didn't tell me that you brought a friend." I wipe my tears and look back I forgot I'm with this guy. I look back to see him standing beside his car. It's very unusual how polite he is.

"he is not a friend but a schoolmate" 

"hi! come in!" Mom called him, he keep smiling while walking towards us. Which is very super unbelievably surprising, he can smile like that?

"good afternoon ma'am" Wow? I can't believe this! He politely greeted my mom.

what a good show, I'm impressed.

"My name is Park Chanyeol, Baekhyun's boyfriend.." WHAT!? I throw a death glare at him, he waves his phone like he is trying to say that 'If I deny him he will upload the video'. I just sigh and I look at my mom smiling at us.

"Baekhyun, I thought he is just your schoolmate?" Mom questioned. When will he stop?

"I'm sorry Mom, I-I——"

"Ma'am I think he is just too shy to tell you..." Mom look at him and I facepalm, then he put his hand on my shoulder.

"aaaawww" Mom held my hand and I just fake smile. What did you do stupid Park Chanyeol! "sweetie! It's okay, you are old enough now to have a partner...It's really fine!" She smiled like the best smile I've ever seen in my entire life, I hug her and she hugs me as well. I want to see that everyday.

We walked inside the house, nothings change in the house. The same corridor with two doors facing each other, the door on the left where the living room is and the opposite door is where the kitchen is and If you walk further there are the spiral wooden stairs up to my room and my mom and my stepdad's room.

"where did you guys met?" Mom ask Chanyeol while serving the food she cooked as I prepare some more plates. I just let him answer it since he already made up his stupid lying.

"hmmm at the university I met him in the school corridor and my first impression was he is very smart and" he looks at me "attractive..."  You big fat liar! 

I just sigh because even if he was lying he still makes my Mom so happy and that means so much to me, that makes me...well thank him? I guess.

"That is so sweet!" Mom said I let her sit down and I serve the food on her plate. She keep on smiling and laughing. This all matters to me, her smile.

We start eating even Chanyeol which I know who don't like eating with a nerd he ate the food my mom prepared. I don't know what got into him he is so polite around my Mom he is really unpredictable, but still, he is jerk. Let's never forget that!

"Do you like shrimp Chanyeol?" my Mom ask then she gave him a piece of shrimp.

"a-ah sure ma'am~" he looked at me then ate the shrimp that my Mom gave him. What's with that look? "It's delicious Ma'am!"

Mom chuckle, a music to my ear. "thank you..and by the way, you can call me Mom it's okay." she said in all smile.

"Mom you don't have to!" I protest! That's not a good idea, this? him pretending as my boyfriend is a really really bad idea!!

"why not? Chanyeol is your boyfriend that's okay right Chanyeol?" But if I told her, her heart will get crush into pieces! I don't want that to happen!

"That's right MOM," he really emphasized the word 'Mom' to tease me. "Baby it's fine!" Baby? he held my hand and smile...I flash a fake smile and shove away his hand from touching me, but he just chuckle which is really annoying.

After that dinner, I decided to wash the dishes and let my Mom sleep I know she is really tired of preparing the food earlier.

"Is this you? hahahahaha" Meanwhile that guy is at the living room laughing at my old photo book. I just let him be and tease me with my childhood photos. There's nothing I can do, he doesn't listen to anyone.

"Is this Kris?" I tumble the glass that I'm holding that made a crash on the floor, broken glass scattered on the floor. Why is it like this? the feeling is still the same every time I hear his name, all the memories from the past keeps on coming back. 

Kris Wu, he is one of my classmates in grade school since I was too short that time he always bullies me, he ate my lunches whenever he wants to and he even glued my chair. The worst thing he did was when I fell on a cliff well he didn't mean that to happen. Actually, it was an accident I was walking my way home when Kris came so I run, then I didn't see a cliff so I fell that left a little scar on my left leg.

"don't touch it!" a blood rush at my pointer finger I felt a sting and then I realize I was cut by the shattered glass as I tried to pick it up. A hand suddenly grab my arm and pull me up and then I realize it was Chanyeol, he turn on the faucet to wash away the blood. "I told you to don't touch it, you fool why are you spacing out so much!" he said I look at him his face look so worried, then I look at my finger the blood still keeps on streaming. 

But I didn't expect what he did next he suck my finger and suck the blood until it stops. I pull my hand when I feel it's already okay. He look at me while licking his lower lip I look down and walk out, my heart is beating so fast. What is he doing!? Why did he do that? It's a very unnecessary thing to do!

———————C H A N B A E K———————

Baekhyun, You're Mine! by selucentWhere stories live. Discover now