Chapter 9 - Purity over Love

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Baekhyun's POV

"Baek! are you okay?"

I reach halfway the stairs as I heard Kevin's voice I look back to see him stand at the bottom of the stairs. He climb up and help me step up while hold my right arm and his other hand is on my back.

"Oh I'm okay Kevin, I-I just came from my mom's place and I slip a little when I get off the bus" I know I lied and know this reason is kinda bit overuse but I don't have a choice. I don't want to him to hate me If he knew about Chanyeol.

"be careful next time, okay" he said, I look at him and I somehow thank him for being my first friend that I know I could rely on. Kevin I'm sorry I lied.

"what brings you here?" I ask as we reach my doorsteps.

"just came by to visit you and invite you for a dinner, but I think in your condition right now it's impossible~" he sigh and smile a little. I admit he is kinda...cute.

"hmmm, we can have eat dinner here~"

"is it fine? I mean if you are not comfortable I can just g—"

"No I insist, I don't want to waste your time visiting me," I punch in my passkey and it open "come in" I smile at then I step inside as well then he close the door behind him.

"feel at home, I'll just take a bath you can order us some food—"

"Okay, do you need help going to your room?"

I stand straight and bear the pain on my hips so he can stop worrying about me. I don't want to further what happen I might run out of reason.

"no, I can manage thank you, just feel free to do anything." I lock my door then I strip down my clothes and walk inside the bathroom. I open up the shower and wash away Chanyeol's scent left all over my body. I can't stop myself from crying as I rub my skin hoping to remove it as well in my head and stop the flashbacks. No use.

After 30 minutes I finished taking a bath I caught Kevin watching something on TV, I sat down beside him on the couch.

"Hi," I laugh a little I don't know why I did that. I continue drying my hair with a towel but then I felt his warm hands touching my hands.

"I'll do it!" my heart is beating so fast, I don't know why but I think I'm blushing as well. He smile as he continue drying my hair with a towel his face is really near I can actually feel his fresh breath.

"all done!" he touch my face that surprised me. "you're blushing.." he said then smile that melt my heart.

"oh really!? sorry" I cup my own face, I didn't it was that obvious. I felt embarrass so move away.

"you're still the cutest Baek," I look at him. He is blushing as well. why is he being so cute? "I have a confession to make" I suddenly felt uneasy and my heart is beating so fast, I felt nervous.
"the reason why I transfer here because I wanted to be with you again" Is he for real? Did he transfer because of me? Did he turn down a prestigious university just for me?

"Since the day of our high school graduation I wanted to tell you how much I like you, but I don't have the guts to say it and so I tried to forget about you while I'm studying abroad but it's no use I still think about you everyday even on SNS I secretly stalk your account but you are not that active" he took a deep breath. "when we had a high school reunion I look for you but you never me a stalker or whatever but Baekhyun I really look for you and luckily a friend of mine found out that you were studying at the same school as him, that is my cue to transfer here and....finally confess my feelings to you..." I think I didn't got a chance to breathe while he was talking. It made me speechless.

"Baekhyun, I came here to ask you out.....for a date?" he hold onto my hand then he look into my eyes, it was so pure and full of sincerity but...he don't deserve me. I'm not pure anymore, If ever he knew about me and Chanyeol he will be disgusted with me for sure.

I retrieve my hand and stand up. "I-I I'm a nerd Kevin...I can't be with a guy like you~"

"I don't care, as long as you are with me I don't care other people may say." he stand up then he hold my hands.

"no-no Kevin you'll regret this...I-I am no match for you...I'm n-not pure I did things you may not want to know..." I confess suddenly all the things that jerk did to me flashbacks in my mind.

"I don't care, I'm not pure as well but that doesn't mean we are not allowed to be in love again~" he caress my face with his left hand while his right hand is holding my hand. It was a different story for me, Kevin.

"you won't understand" I close my eyes to feel his warmth. I wish he came in before Chanyeol made me his toy. I hope I could bring back the time.

"don't be afraid Baek, I'm here~" my mind went blank as he lean down and kiss me, my heart is beating so fast and this is the very first time I felt some butterflies inside my stomach. I felt nothing but sincere love with our kiss.

We both stop and look at each other.

"your lips are so soft" Kevin said with a smile.

"your lips are so soft"  I push him a little as I heard Chanyeol's voice in my head. That is the exact same phrase he said when we first kiss but why I suddenly hear it like that. So annoying.

"you didn't like it? I'm sorry Baek" I look at Kevin and he look so worried.

"no-no it's not like that— I just remember something" And with that, I thought something crazy struck inside my head, this is definitely too risky but I really want to be with Kevin. I feel so safe around him and the kiss we shared earlier is so sincere and innocent. I want to feel this kind of feeling again and every time with him.

"have you decided now?" I look at him and smile.

"Yes!" I felt this is the best decision I ever did in my entire life. I forgot everything I just think about him and his feelings for me.

"what do you mean yes?"

"yes, it means yes......I love to date you!" Baekhyun there's no turning back now.

"REALLY! thank you Baek! you won't regret this!" he gave me a hug I hug him back. He is so warm and I feel so secured around his arms. I want to stay like this forever! I want to feel this kind of comfort forever. I know it's selfish but can I just be selfish this time.

Kevin and I cuddle, eat Chinese noodles, and watched a couple of movies, my ideal first date and it all came true because of him. Thank You, Kevin.

When midnight strikes Kevin have to go home since we both have classes tomorrow, I send him off and before he left me he gave me a kiss on my forehead that I really love the most. I slept hugging my fluffy pillow, my heart is filled with love and happiness because someone actually truly loves me for who I am.

———————C H A N B A E K———————

Baekhyun, You're Mine! by selucentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें