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Byun Baekhyun is a nerd, he got no friends, family? just a mom who lives faraway but that doesn't count since at the end he still living his university life alone. Then one afternoon he is walking alone at the school corridor connecting to the library to return the books he borrowed. When suddenly he saw Park Chanyeol, secretly making out oh no.. having sex with a hot cheerleader of the basketball team where he is the team captain. They caught Baekhyun looking at them that makes him run for his live.

Then one day a video spread around the school that cause the cheerleader and the team captain suspended for two weeks.

Chanyeol blame Baekhyun for spreading what he witnessed, but the truth is Baekhyun is just a victim but Park Chanyeol is an asshole who doesn't listen to anyone..specially to Baekhyun.

"all the damages are said and done so now it's time to pay the price so from now on, Byun Baekhyun you're mine!"


Baekhyun, You're Mine! by selucentWhere stories live. Discover now