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Circa 1708

The moon shone brightly in the sky painting the forest with clear, pearly white rays

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The moon shone brightly in the sky painting the forest with clear, pearly white rays. Shiny beams of light, akin to sunlight, bathed the thick vegetation. On the field, six wolves stood guarding an altar against a single man. Their fur showed in the light almost as if it attempted to shield them. Exhausted and battered, their injuries bled into the forest floor. 

Brunette and muscled, the lone man appeared armed with a single gun and a knife. His shirt was stained with the dark color of his own blood. He appeared to sway as he stood, not strong enough to hold his own. The forest was silent but for the growls of the wolves. The air thickened in anticipation. 

A cloud passed over the moon creating a temporary mist. Taking advantage of the sudden distraction, the man rolled away shooting at the wolves. His bullet pierced the hind leg of a wolf who howled in pain dropping to the ground. As the wolves fought their instinct to protect their own, a second shot hit another, making it drop to the floor. 

The remaining four guardians snarled while advancing, leaving the altar behind them at some distance and trying to corner the man. Before they could recognize the trap, in a clean leap the man broke through their last line of defense raising a knife as his knees hit the ground. The knife glinted in the bright moonlight as it drove into the heart of the altar.  Dark lines of a bloodlike substance doubled and streamed from the ground. Almost at once, the forest seemed to lose its vibrancy. The wolves howled in pain, dropping to the floor. The static in the air dulled. The bright moonlight flickered in what seemed to be a warning. Or a plea.  

A wolf, the biggest of them all, stood on exhausted legs, limping to the knife attempting to remove it with his teeth. He howled to the earth to help him and called upon the wind. The forest echoed with the noise of a single shot that pierced his chest. As his body fell to the ground, the man pressed the knife deeper into the ground and twisted it, in a declaration of triumph. The Earth shuddered in response as the light gave way to darkness. The moon dulled and its rays receded into it. Black spots appeared on its pristine white. Later, scientists would call them craters, while discussing how the moon lacks a light of its own. All around the altar, plants rotted. The wolves lay lifelessly on the field.

Having achieved his purpose, the man dropped on the ground and succumbed to his injuries. 


Hey! What do you think? I'm pretty new to this stuff but I'd love it if you let me know what I could do better or what you felt! Thanks for reading!

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