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Start from the beginning


Harry's POV

It has been 2 hours since the video was broadcasted in the television and on YouTube.

"Harry, someone (on twitter) posted a photo of her." I heard my manager and at the same time my best friend, Jeff, called me from the living room.
"What? Where?" I immediately went to where he is since I was in the kitchen pacing back and forth. I stood next to him to looked at his phone and saw the picture. It really is my love. I didn't waste no time and grabbed my phone out of my pockets and checked my twitter. And searched for that photo, it didn't even took me a second to find that picture since it popped into my news feed. And there she was sitting on a chair at the hospital, while her eyes is shining bright. After a minute of investigating, I found the person who posted it. It was a girl named Melanie Mcbroom, she messaged me on twitter.

From @mela1dstyles:
Hi Harry! So I just wanted to tell you that it was me who took that photo. I was the one who saw Y/N
I just wanted to tell you that she's in the hospital, where I am working right now. But don't you worry she is not here because she was admitted or something.

So if you want to see her, get your ass right here, right now before she leaves. BTW I took this picture without her consent so please don't tell her that
So here's the hospital's address: 548 Langraab Street, Malcolm Memorial Hospital

After reading her message, I of course wrote back to her.

To @mela1dstyles:

Hello Melanie, thank you so much for helping me out. I can't thank you enough to show you how grateful I am for what you did.

I didn't waste any more time and drove to the given address. After 10 minutes, I reached my destination and I messaged her again to ask her where can I find my girl.

To @mela1dstyles:

Can I ask where can I find her?

From @mela1dstyles:

You can find her on the first floor on the left, obstetrician and gynecologist department

After reading her respond, I ran to the obstetrician and gynecologist department. Thank God! it is on the first floor of the hospital. When I arrived I looked around in search for her, I got to find her asap. I took my phone out to message the girl to let her know that I am here already.

To @mela1dstyles:

I arrived, where is she? Why she isn't here?

From @mela1dstyles:

Wait for a while, Harry. She is in the ladies comfort room right now. I'm checking up on her. Don't worry you'll meet her soon.

From @mela1dstyles:

Meet me at the hospital's roof top. You can meet and talk to her there privately.

To @mela1dstyles:
Okay got it. OMW right now. Thank you so much Mel for helping me.


After I pulled myself together and finalized my decision. I went out of the cubicle that I am in. And composed myself right in front of the mirror, and made my appearance look presentable before I made my way out of the comfort room. But I dumped into that nurse again. Why is this girl keep following me? What does she want from me? But before I can ask her what is she doing here, she suddenly pulled my hand and dragged me out the comfort room.

"Hey, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?" I asked, struggling myself out of her grip.
"Let me go, Melanie." I begged but she didn't listened rather she took me to the elevator.
"You're coming with me to the rooftop." she said sternly as we entered the elevator that will take us to the 7th floor.

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