The Ivanov's (12)

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My beast was also excited, all night he bragged about it.

He said that nobody can have her, and only we can.

Beast- you are making me sound bad! It's just that no one ever said it expect from mom and dad.

Me- I know, I just can't believe it yet.

I can't wait already, I want to see my baby girl!

She's going to be here in another 4 hours!

I just want to kiss her soft lips and cuddle all day.

I want to hear her say "I love you"
Over and over again.

I like being a dom, but sometimes I want a normal relationship.

And I know she want's that too.

I decided to take a long shower just to clear my mind.

After I finished the shower I got dressed in my every day clothes.

I wanted to dress nice for Alexa.

I saw that I had another 3 hours until Alexa comes, great, what am I going to do now for 3 hours?!

I can call her and tell her that I want her to come earlier, but then she will think I'm obsessed with her or something.

Fuck it.

I will call her.

-phone call-

Me- hello baby?

Alexa- yea?

Me- do you think you can come like one hour earlier?

Alexa- o-okay,

Me- love you.

Alexa- love you too.

-end of phone calll-

Well now I have two hours to spend.

I decided to go to my pool and swim a little.

After that I saw that I have another hour.

So I decided to my kitchen and make some coffee, suddenly I heard the bell door ring, I looked at the camera and for my suprise it wasn't Alexa.

It was my dad. I opened the door and saw him.

He said.

"Hi dad, what are you doing here."
I said trying my best to sound serious.

"I just brought some papers. It's about the company, can I come in?"
My dad said.

"Oh Yeah sure"
I said trying to focus, shit I can't tell Alexa not to come.

-one hour later -

"So from my understanding this is if we'll buy Nick's company we can get an additional 7 bilion including the extra stocks"
I said looking at the papers.

"But in the other hand if will buy Mason's com- *bell ring* "

"Who is that?"
My father asked but I ignored him and instead I walked towards the door.

When I opened the door I saw my beautiful princess, she immediately wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed me passionately causing me to forget my father is watching.

Suddenly my father 'cleared' his throat.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your little friend?"
My dad asked.

My dad's Boss Ugly Billionaire Son.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt