Well okay, he basically did call Taehyung a brat for not listening to his parents and also had forced him to marry him.

But it wasn't completely his fault okay!

Taehyung had been screaming at him without any reason and he'd also insinuated that he, Jeon Jungkook, was a snob!

Well he did look like one.

Acted like one also.

But that didn't mean he was okay!

Wait it did.

Oh shit.

A deep voice whispered in his head from his memories.

'Oh Shooky'

He groaned when he remembered Taehyung using shooky instead of cursing and saying shit.

That cute annoying guy.

He'd be the death of him-


Hold up.

Did he just called Taehyung CUTE?

Oh no no no.

He didn't just say that.

He meant cu- um- cuddly- NO NO curious.


He meant curious.

Cute who?

Cuddly who?

Jungkook was busy muttering to himself, not paying attention to his surroundings when,


Jeon Jungkook had successfully managed to walk into a streetlight post.


What was even happening to him?

If this was his state before even marrying Taehyung when they had only spoken once, (if Taehyung screaming and throwing whatever his hands would get hold of at Jungkook counted as a conversation), then what would happen after they got married?

He would most likely end up with a concussion and consequently losing his memories of the last 30 years of his 25 year long life because of Taehyung's nasty habit of throwing things at him.

But that was beside the point.

You see, Jungkook had felt some attraction to the younger boy the day he had laid his eyes on him.

He had chosen to label the attraction as what one would feel while looking at a puppy or a kitten or Jimin.


Jimin was a cute little mochi okay?

No judging him and his similes.

(A/N: i just realised that I'm only rambling at this point i'm sorryyyy)


Three Days.

There were only three days left for Doom's Day.

Doom's Day for Taehyung at least.

Everyone else was behaving as if it was going to be the best day ever of his life.

Well they weren't really wrong to think that cause your wedding day is supposed to be one of the happiest and most memorable day of your life.

But for Taehyung it just wasn't.

Firstly he was being forced to marry someone, or rather Jeon Jungkook AGAINST his will.

And secondly, if Jungkook ever found Taehyung's secret, it would mean the end of his happiness.

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