Chapter 8

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(Last Time)

Zero quickly erected a shield of dark magic to block the first few stone projectiles before blowing up the next few with a blasts of darkness, whipping his hands around as he sent out stream of potent 'Dark Magic' which destroyed everything around them.

Seeing he was distracted Percy decided to finish this, the man was too dangerous to be left alive, besides considering the state of his body it was likely he was about to go nuclear any second. Already the cracks on his body were growing larger as more magic poured out of him, soon he would explode, Brains' body, or Zero's body, was not built to deal with this amount of magic.

Darting forward his sword held tightly in his hand, Percy slowed down time again as he got in close. His blade slashing out; once, twice, three times, eight times, fourteen times, twenty times, twenty eight times as Percy delivered blow after blow going through a combination attack that cut tendons, pierced organs, sliced muscles, with the final slice completely decapitating Zero. Taking his head clean off his shoulders, before using the momentum of the last strike Percy sheathed Backbiter once again.

With a thud Zero collapsed to the floor dead, not even making a sound as his soul had already been destroyed, such was the power of the blade of Kronos that it didn't just kill someone, but it also destroyed their magic and their souls as well.

Not even looking back at Zero's remains, Percy instead focused on finding Jura, he would need to find the Wizard Saint sooner rather than later, after all with the Oración Seis now wiped out and Nirvana all but destroyed their mission was pretty much finished. All that was left was destroying Nirvana once and for all, and Percy couldn't exactly do that if Jura was still on it.

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Chapter 8

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(Onboard the Christina)

Looking through the large windows that looked out over the Wooodsea Forest, the assembled Light Guild Alliance members watched the destruction of Nirvana from Christina's control room.

"It's kind of beautiful in a way isn't it?" Erza spoke up into the silence, the scarlet haired mage was no longer wearing any of her magical armours. Instead she was wearing a white blouse and a blue skirt as she stood by the large window alongside Lucy, Wendy, Gray and Natsu, watching as the ancient Nirvit weapon was destroyed before their eyes.

The entire city of the Nirvit was collapsing in on itself, the four lacrima which had once supported the colossal structure having been destroyed simultaneously as Perseus, Jura, Ichiya and Sherry each individually destroyed the large orbs, robbing the structure of its power, the same power that not only allowed it to move, but also kept the ungainly structure together.

Buildings that had once many centuries ago held families, homes that had once been filled with life and laughter, but which now only empty and lifeless mausoleums slid off the side of the collapsing frame of Nirvana, tumbling to the ground as little more than rubble. The four legs that had once held the great structure aloft began to collapse in on themselves, the weight of the structure now causing the lifeless, magicless legs to cave in under their own weight.

Within a matter of minutes Nirvana was completely destroyed, its form breaking to pieces as it collapsed into the forest below. No doubt as time passed the forest would soon spread and Nirvana would be covered over, a once mighty and fearsome magical weapon reduced to little more than a number of large wooded hills in the Woodsea forest.

"So that is it then. Mission accomplished." Lucy spoke up into the silence that had once again fallen on the assembled Light Guild Members as they watched the dust from the destruction of Nirvana begin to settle.

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