Chapter 2

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"So cool" Lucy said in awe as she looked over at the powerful S-Class wizard, one who was said to be on a par with even the most powerful of the Wizard Saints, although that was all supposition as he had never accepted a position as a Wizard Saint. A frown suddenly crossed Lucy's face as she heard Gray's tone when talking about Perseus. "Do you not like him or something?"

Gray shrugged at that uncaringly. "I don't dislike him." Seeing the look on her face he decided to expand his statement. "When we were growing up at Fairy Tail he was the man, he was this super cool and strong guy, this role model we all aspire dot be like. He never had much time for us though, he never took much interest unless you were Laxus, Mira or Erza, those three he took an interest in, training and mentoring them so they all became S-Class, for the rest of us though...

Lucy frowned as she heard the bitterness and slight sadness in Gray's voice.

( - )

"So what are you doing here Percy?" Erza asked as she released the older man, a smile on her face as she looked up at him. "I thought you were on a Decade Quest?"

"The quest is complete. I went back to the Guild to see everyone. But was told on my way here that you had been sent on some dangerous mission to take on Oración Seis, and when I heard who they sent to support you, well I decided to take a detour and provide you some reinforcement."" Percy said with a fond smile down at Erza, conscious as he did that she was still holding onto his hand with both of hers.

Carefully extracting himself he turned to the rest of the gather wizards, noting a few familiar faces as he did, Jura Neekis and Ichiya. Giving the two a nod and receiving two respectful nods in reply Percy scanned the room, making eye contact with everyone there before saying. "Hope you don't mind if I join you?"

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Chapter 2

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(Blue Pegasus Mansion)

"You are more than welcome." Erza replied with a smile, as she looked up at the youthful looking man that had once been her mentor, and was now her friend and comrade.

Percy gave Erza a quick smile at that before he looked to the other Guilds, his gaze meeting both Ichiya's and Jura's, the two lead wizards for the Blue Pegasus representatives and the Lamia Scale party. Somehow he didn't think the young girl would have much of an issue with him offering the group a hand.

Jura nodded respectfully in response, having met Percy before he was more than aware how of strong and honourable a mage he was, and like the man had said, only a fool would dismiss aid when it was freely given. "It's an honour to meet you again Perseus. With you on our side, we have a markedly greater chance of victory."

Reaching out Percy clasped hands with Jura, a crooked grin on his face as he looked up at the much taller and bulkier man. "It is good to see you too old friend, it looks like you've gotten older."

"You've not." Jura replied with a deep chuckle, shaking his head as he did so. "In fact it looks like you haven't aged a day since last we met?"

"I am just well preserved." Percy replied with a laugh as he released Jura's hand, and instead looked down at the familiar intricate metal badge the powerful Lamia Scale wizard had pinned to the front of his tribal like garb. "So you've become a Wizard Saint?"

Jura's stoic face broke into a smile as he heard that, looking down at the symbol denoting him as a Wizard Saint with pride. "Yes, just recently I was offered the newly demoted Jose Porla's position."

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