34: talk

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"well it was fun, i have to head home now. " Taehyung said. He hugged his friend and yoongi even if the older didnt like hugs.

"see you soon, and be careful!" Jimin said waving at his friend as he watched him leave.

Taehyung took the first bus to his hometown. It wasnt long luckily. He was tired and wanted to go to bed already

"Jungkook?" he said as he exited the bus. He felt lonely and wanted someone with him.

"im here" He heard Jungkooks voice. He looked around seeing him standing a bit futher from him. He walked to him.

"why are you so far?" Taehyung asked as they now walked together.

"i just came here" the other was now actually there. Walking next to Taehyung.

"will you cuddle me to sleep?" Taehyung asked. He really wanted attention, and someone hold him.He didnt care that he just got from his best friend's.

"im afraid i have to pass"

"oh.......Why?" Taehyung asked with a pout, he hoped to hold Jungkook, snuggling against him.

"i have to do something first, i will come back when im done"

"what will you do?"

"dont ask more, just go to bed"

"are you already leaving?" Taehyung asked halting his steps. Jungkook shook his head. He walked to Taehyung and wrapped a arm around him. Walking further.

"im first bringing you home safely." he said. Taehyung smiled, he wished that Jungkook would be here forever. That he was human.

But he wasnt, and Taehyung felt something inside him still say that there was something wrong, that he isnt safe. That this will end badly.

"kookie?" taehyung said


"do you live here?"


"where is your home?".

"you know where"

"kinda...Will you take me there?"

"i hope not anytime soon" Jungkook said softly. It sounded more like he was talking to himself.

"why not?"

"its not safe for you there, here you are safer."

"whats so dangerous then? Should the police know?"

"no, just trust in me. I will protect you from any danger. I will not fail a second time"

Taehyung was about to ask something again
When they arrived in his street and Jungkook stopped.

"goodnight Tae" He said pecking Taehyungs lips. He then dissapeared before Taehyung could say anything.

'I will not fail a second time.....'

Taehyung frowned as he unlocked the door and got inside his house.


"okay now why the fuck are you bothering Taehyung" Yoongi said standing in front of the other.

"he is mine"

"that isnt a reason Jeongguk"

"i love him, he is what i need."

"you have to let go, im warning you"

"then why are you here? You are sin with Jimin"

"i stepped out, i left them. Im not going back myself."

"then im going to do that" Jungkook shrugged.

"you know you cant"

"i will fucking make them kick me out then!" jungkook was getting annoyed. He didnt want to be reminded of his responsibilitys.

"Jeongguk, you will lose him"

"i wont fail again Suga, just stay out of this"

"i cant, as he is a friend of my future husband and both your life depends on it. I cant let it just slide." Yoongi spoke he crossed his arms and looked around. "okay, last time. Let him go now you still can"

"i already fucked him...Twice" Jungkook said a small smirk crept on his face thinking how his human was moaning under him.

"did it-"

"yes it did. The older are fading slowly." jungkook said.

"god Jeongguk, what are you doing"

"im not letting him go. I may have failed him once, im not losing again. I will kill each one one of them"

"she hase gotten stronger over those years." Yoongi said giving up to get Jungkook to stop what he was doing.

"i got her necklace"


"taehyung found it, it brought wrong memories back, but now i got a step ahead of her."

"is he remembering?" yoongi asked surprised.

"he is, now just hope he can hurry up before she finds him."

"well i gotta go back, jimin is probably wondering why i take so long"

"cant you just teleport"

"as i said, i left them. I dont do that stuff anymore."

"you still got your strength..." Jungkook said remembering how easy Yoongi pressed him against the wall. Not ordinary human would be able to do that. And definetly not when someone was supposed to be invisible.

"yea, so?" Yoongi lifted a brow.

"nothing, im going back to my queen"

"also" Yoongi said jungkok hted ans looked back.

"stop cheating with taehyung on games"

"i will think about it" Jungkook grinned and dissapeared. Well for humans. Yoongi just saw him walk away.

He sighed and went back insdie.

"what are you doing Jeon" he murdered. Locking the door behind him.


Taehyung layed in bed. Unable to sleep. He really wanted to hold something. He tried rolling the blanket up in his arms. But that didn't
Work. And he tried with nothing, it only made it worse.

He rolled around sleeplessly and sighed. Placing his forehead against the wall. 
He suddnenly felt a weight behind him making the bed dip. Then a arm around his waist.

"shh its me"

"you came" Taehyung said. He turns around. Snuggling into Jungkooks chest. He didnt care the older still wore his clothes. It didnt seem like they were dirty. Or just been dirty ever.

"Kook.." he mumbled.

"yes" Jungkook said holding the human.

"what did you mean with, 'i will not fail a second time'?"

"i mesed up one time. It ended bad, i wont tell More. Time will tell"


"no Tae, just drop it and sleep" Jungkook said. He didnt want to talk about that day. The day that his whole world cumbled. And he made a deal, to have a second chance.

But that second chance seemed to be an danger. He wasn't the only one that knew about the human being alive once again.  And Jungkook knew,

He will have to fight for it.


The quarantine isnt very good for mental health i think, but oh well what can we do....

Well, imma just keep updating. I really like to read the comments and see people my story's.

I really appreciate the support!

See you at the next update
( =①ω①=)

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