13: scary alley

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The group had finished their their time at the swimming pool.

"so see you at work monday?" Jin asked the two. The reraurant was closing for three days for replacement in machines and to repaint the walls.

For the smell and time they decided to close it for the weekend and open again on monday. Not that Taehyung not Jimin was complaining. They liked to habe days off.

"yup!"Jimin said as he was riding on Yoongis back. Yoongi looked unbothered ahead.

"we will get going."  Jin said and pulled namjoon in the car. Hurrying him to start and drive away.
The others waved at the two as they left.

"we should leave too" hoseok said to Taehyung
The younger nodded and hugged the yoonmin couple before heading to Hoseoks car.

"that was really fun!" Taehyung said happy. He was talking about the slides that Hoseok was to scared of to try them. Saying tha Hoseok was no fun.

"hey hey, im fun" hoseok said protesting.

"hobi hyung is very no fun"

"shut up, i just dont like heights okay" Hoseok looked away.

Taehyung chuckled and poked the others shoulder.

"msorry hyungie"

The two had drove almost back home when Taehyung gasped.

"we forgot to stop at the supermarket" he said and Hoseok mentally cursed slowing down.

"gotta go back, urg"

"i can get out here. Its just three treets. Ill walk back" Taehyung said and Hoseok nodded. He stopped the car new to the sidewalk and let the younger out.

"here is some money, since you didnt bring shit"  hoseok said. Taehyung had forgot all his stuff besides his swimwear. Being way to exited for the activity He forgot everything else.

"thanks!" Taehyung said and put it in his pocket he watched Hoseok drive away and started walking back to the supermarket near their home. They had just passed it.

"twelve, thirteen.....Fourteen" taehying was counting the small flowers that grew between the tiles of the ground. It was a bit silent today but Taehyung didnt carem he like the silence. That way he knew that there were no annoying or dangerous persons.

And those were the times he casually walked throught the alley shortcuts of the village.
With a smile and hopping from tile to tile.

"if it isnt Taehyung...." he heard a voice and halted in his teps.

"who are you?" he asked. The person had a hood and a face mask. Covering his face. He could only see a part of his eyes.

"doesnt matter now, does it?" the man sounded a bit younger that Taehyung first thought. His movent was somehow fammiliar.

"dont get closer Please" Taehyung said taking a step back. The boy however didnt listen and walked closer with big steps.

Now taehyung got scared and walked backwards. Not daring to turn his back to the boy.

Suddenly he hit something and a pair of arms wrapped around him tightly. Tattoos he reconised them.

He saw them in the mirror.

"let me go!", he shouted and kicked around trying to hit the mans legs. But the man didnt budge from the kicks and pushed Taehyung on the ground.

His hands were pinned down. There were tears forming in his eyes as he kicked around.

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