21: trust me

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Taehyung was on his phone looking through his social media and chats.

He was just skipping some time. But his time stopped when he saw a post.

It was about him

A photo of himself with a caption. And a lot of comments. All from the same few persons. And some others who just added one or two commemts.

'Kim Taehyung, the sick kid is talking to himself again. He will curse us all get rid of him'

'is he really, hwhaha didnt change anything since highschool i see'

'he lives in ****** now right. I came across him yesterday'

'who would want to be with him. He is crazy'

'whaha lol he is'

'he looks-'

Taehyung shut his phone and stared at the wall. He was proccesing what he just saw. Were people really that mean to spread things about him.

"Im not crazy" Taehyung mumbled to himself. Tears starting to well in his eyes. He looked at the pink bunny hugging it. But it didnt made him feel better.




"im here Tae" Jungkook appeared in the room. He looked at the younger who sat on the bed with a sad expression.

"am i crazy?" He asked.

"no" Jungkook said already getting what was wrong. He sighed and sat down next to him.

"why are people so mean" Taehyung said and replaced the pink bunny with Jungkook. Hugging him tightly.

Jungkook held him while stroking his hair. Taehyung felt better now Jungkook was here. He calmed down by his scent and warmth.

"i love you Jungkook" He said staring at the wall.

"i love you too"

"what if you dont come back one day?"

"that day Wont come" Jungkook emedietly said his grip around Taehyung tightening.

"what if i call you and you wont be there"

"dont worry about that. I wont let it happen" Jungkook said calming his boyfriend. "im never leaving you, i never did all these years. I got no reason to leave you now

"i trust you"

"really?" Jungkook was a bit surprised to hear it.

"yes" Taehyung looked up facing Jungkook. He looked at his eyes. They were dark and enchanting. His eyes traveled down to his lips.

"just kiss me, i know you want to" Jungkook said. A smirk on his face. Taehyung blushed and looked down.

Jungkook chuckled at the cute reaction and placed his finger under Taehyungs chin. Lifting his face up.

He then placed his lips on Taehyungs himself. Feeling Taehyung grab onto Jungkooks shirt.
He pulled taehyungs waist closer and let him straddle him. Placing his hands on Taehyungs hips.

"your lips are sweet and addicting" Jungkook said. Staring in Taehyungs eyes.

He pulled him higher up by his hips. Taehyung turned red feeling something poke his ass.
Jungkook gave him a smirk and moved to his ear.

"you have a huge effect on me baby boy" he said in his ear and licked Taehyungs earlobe. Nibbling the skin softly.

He moved down and placed kisses on Taehyungs neck. Taehyung moved his hands up into Jungkooks black hairs and around his neck. He accidentally moved his hips. And junkook groaned.

Jungkook flipped them around trapping Taehyung under him. Him between his legs staring down at the smaller.

"you are asking a lot of self control from me" he whispered and kissed Taehyung again. Caressing his side and slipping his hand under Taehyungs shirt.

Taehyung parted and let out a high pitched sound when Jungkook moved his hip, making their chlothed members rub against eachoter.

"beautiful" Jungkook said with a smirk doing it again.

Taehyung wasnt fammiliar with this but he knew it felt amazing and he wanted more. He gripped onto Jungkooks shirt and tugged at it for no specific reason.

Jungkook grinned feeling poweful. He could control Taehyung very easily and he loved it.

"hm all mine" Jungkook said darkly and bend down to Kiss Taehyungs neck.

"j-jungkook" Taehyung breathed out with a shaky breath. His body felt on fire. He held tightly on Jungkook holding him close and feeling those skillful lips on his neck.

"m-more" Taehying asked and Jungkook began grinding his hips again. Satisfying Taehyung.

*ring* *ring*

The phone innterupted their moment and Jungkook was absolutely pissed now. Again something interrupted them. Its like some power didnt want him to claim this human.

Jungkook was about to ignore the phone but it didnt stop ringing. So he groaned and sat back leaning against the wall.

Taehyung was looking around in a daze and accepted the call.

"h-hello" Taehyung voice sounded strange.

"wow whats up with you?" Taemin's voice was heared and Jungkooks eyes snapped towards the phone.

"nothing" Taehyung said looking at Jungkook. He blushed a dark red and looked away. "w-why are you calling?"

"i was wondering if you can hang out tomorrow in the city?"

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and shook his head.

"dont do it Tae" he said.

"i-hold on" taehying covered the phone and looked at Jungkook confused. "why not?" he asked him

"trust me, dont do it"

"but he is my friend"

"tae im serious, dont do it. He isnt who you think"

"whats that supposed to mean?" taehyung asked.

"just, dont go okay" Jungkook said it sounded more demanding and his voice was lower. Taehyung shivered and got back to the phone.

"im sorry hyung, i cant go tomorrow. Maybe a other time." he said.

"ahw, i was hoping to see you. Well see you late-oh also. Sorry about last time. I didnt mean to get angry"

"its okay, see you!" taehyung said and ended the call. Jungkook watched him put the phone down.

"why cant i go see my friend?"

"i cant tell you, but he isnt just your friend. He may seem nice but hes different"

"but Taemin is always nice"

"even nice people have a reason"

"i dont unerstand" Taehyung said with a confused look. How can his friend not be who he says he is.

"you dont have to. You have me to protect you. Just like always" Jungkook pulled Taehyung under his arm making his head reast against him. He stroked Taehyungs hair softly while they stared at the wall.

"dont leave me Jungkook"

"i wont, i already told you"

"im just scared that one day you wont be there when i call you"

"i will always be here, im not going anywhere"


Jungkook placed a soft peck on Taehyungs hair and stayed at his side untill he fell asleep. Then he gently placed the younger in his bed and dissapeared into the shadows.


a bit short but next one got some stufffffffff.

I will update soon! Getting a bit caught up in homework. :(

Thanks for reading!

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