29: necklace

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A few days passed and Taehyung had gotten more confused everyday. Just as now. He was at work standing behind the cash register to finish the customers payment.

But for some reason the money seemed to be walking away from him.
He was frowning at the papers inside the cash register that seemed to be moving.

"uhm sir" the customer said waving his hand im front of Taehyung.
Taehyung flinched and stepped back. The mans hand had eyes. His eyes widen.

"Tae whats with you today?" Jimin asked taking over. He gave the man his change back and closed the register walking to Taehyung who had a scared look on his face.

"come with me" he gave a sign to their co-worker that they will take a minute. She nodded and the two went inside the restrooms.

Taehyung walked to the sink and splashed his face with water. Leaning on the edge of the sink.

"are you sick?" Jimin asked

"no"taehyung dried his face and looked at himself in the mirror."im just seeing things i guess"

He then looked at Jimin. His face was a blur. Taehyung frowned and squinted his eyes.

"Tae?" Jimin walked closer and then he was clear again. Taehyung sighed.

"im fine, lets go back. Customers are waiting." taehyung said and exited the restroom.
He put on his tiny smile to look approachable and walked back to the counter.

Jimin watched him before he sighed and started wiping the table from the last customers.


Taehyung was walking home on the road. Late hours almost no cars were around. Since everything closes early. Only restaurants were opened till this late. He kicked a stone away that layed on the ground.

"isnt that Taehyung?" he heard someone say. He looked to the side seeing a boy and a girl sit on the edge of the sidewalk.

"hello?" Taehyung said a bit confused.

"you are Taehyung right?" the girl asked.

"yes why?"

"we heard about you"

"oh i see" taehyung was expecting a insult or them starting to push him. But it didnt came. Instead the two stood up and the girl smile.

"in sorry, im Kana and this is my friend Junho" she introduced themselves. Taehying still didnt knowbwhat they want from himm its not usual that when people talk to him knowimg who he is that is was anything positive.

"im a student. I study about paranormal activities. And i heard that you can see Ghosts?" she said in a questionable tone.

"i...I do" Taehyung said. Even if he didnt count Jungkook as a ghost anymore. He was just Jungkook.

"can you tell me about it? Whats it like. Im really curious"

"uh sure" Taehyung said and looked around. The dark street was empty as usual. It gave a calming but also strange vibe.
"well i see them mostly in mirrors, or hear them in my mind"

The girl and the boy litened curious.

"but i was helped from it. I got pills and it will help me. But recently they got back to me. Well im not actually taking the pills anymore"

"oh why not?" the boy asked tilting his head.

"just because"

"i see, and do you ever had a special ghost come by?"

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