40: sinned

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It was early in the morning the run was slowly getting up. Making the sky a warm orange color.

The two were sleeping peacefully. Well that was untill Taehyung woke up with a scream putting his hand on his neck. He fell off the bed as he already didnt have a lot of space with two persons on a single mattress.

Taehyung was bend over on his knees his eyes shut tight and gripping his neck.

"Taehyung?!" Jungkook jolted awake panicked hearing the scream. He jumped out of bed and crouched next to Taehyung.

"hey hey whats wrong?" he asked and searched with his eyes for anything. The only thing was his hand covering his neck.

"it hurts, it hurts so bad" taehyung said and then held onto Jungkook. Uncovering his neck.

Jungkook froze and looked at it. He heard Taehyung sniffle and squeeze him tightly Against him.

"no, itz not possible.." he whispered. He lifted Taehyung up and walked to the bathroom. Placing the crying taehyung on the sink as jungkook exposed his own neck.

"no way...."  he lowered a bit looking at Taehyung.

"why d-does it hurt. what's  happening?" he asked his eyes red.

"its...Look for yourself" He said and sighed. Taehyung slipped off the sink with jungkooks support and turned around. Looking at his neck.

There was a small but definetly visible marking. The same as the words Jungkook had.

The markings of sin.

"is that.."

"it is. Im so sorry" Jungkook said and hugged taehyung. He himself havent gotten any of them. But he didnt mind it. He was used to it. He didnt want taehyung to get hurt. And now the sin markings had changed to the human.
The human kind wasnt made for then. Making them painful.

"g-get it off" Taehyung said between a sob. His neck was burning like crazy. He began scratching his neck. Feeling the hot skin under his finger tips. The letters were being made like a invisible pen.

Well it looked like that. They slowly appeared on the skin like it was getting drawn on. But it wasnt just paint. It was with pain. And it was supposed to hurt.

"i cant. Dont hurt yourself" Jungkook said and pulled taehyungs hand away. He could see taehyungs skin slowly turn red from the harsh scratching.

"it hurts" taehyung said and hid in Jungkooks chest. He needed his support.

"i know. Im sorry" jungkook said. He then placed his hand on taehyungs head.

"sleep" he said and then the body of the human went limp. It was the best way, now he wont feel the marking happening. He will sleep through the pain.

Jugkook shook his head as he carried the human back to the bed. He knew that the spirirts must have chosen a new way to get Jungkook in pain. And learn his lesson.

Jungkook didmt care if he got pain. He could take it. But taehyung coudlnt. And that hurted him really bad. Seeing his love get hurt. Because of him.

"is this what you wanted?" Jungkook asked looking up. If they knew he was with his sin on earth. They must be always watching him.

"Dont hurt him, please hurt me. You are supposed to take me."

He then heared a noise and he snapped his head to the window. He could see a shadow and letters on the glass.

'he will pay for your sins from now on'

"you cant do this" Jungkook said. The shadow didnt respond. It dissapeared letting the sun shine through into the room. The letters fading away.

"fuck!" Jungkook shouted and sat on his knees next to the bed. He looked at taehyungs marking almost completed. He never wanted it to shift like this.

But how was it posible. The spirits never blamed the humans for it. Why now? Why taehyung?


Short chapter.

Just wanted to double update after the smut. So you have some story content besides the smut lol.

Thanks for reading see you soon!

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