33: seen

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Taehyung was visiting Jimin and Yoongi. Since its been a while since he saw Yoongi he decided to come over. And of course Jimin liked that.

He emedielty accepted already looking forward on seeing his best friend. Even tho they letterly work together multiple times a week.

"whats for dinner?" taehyung asked. Seeing Yoongi read the back of a box.



"Yoongi just give the name. Not the ingredients" Jimin said. Yoongi shrugged putting the box back.

"its okay, its soup with things in it"

"well you are not wrong" Jimin walked back to their living room. Taehyung followed.

"what happend last time at work?" Jimin asked. Pointing out to the tine Taehyung thought he was going crazy.

"i just didnt sleep well i think. Everything looked a bit strange"

"thats all? You looked like you saw ghosts"

"well i do"

"did you take the pills?"

"....I did"

"Tae, you have to take them. It will only get worse like this."

"im fine, i dont need them" taehyung said.

"thats right, he doesnt need them. He got me. Im his boyfriend, Jimin" jungkook appeared glaring at Jimin as he sat next to Taehyung. He didnt like the close friendship the two had, saying Taehyung was only his.

"i dont want you to slip back to your old self, its the best for you"

"im fine chim really, dont worry about me"

"no Jimin, dont worry about him he got me"

Taehyung mentaly rolled his eyes. If he could he would tell him to shut up for a moment.

"Jimin how do i do this?" Yoongi called from the kitchen. Jimin stood up and walked to his boyfriend. They havent been together for that long. But they were a loving couple. They loved eachoter dearly. 

"Jungkook stop that"

"what?" jungkook said acting innocent.

"you know what im talking about Jungkook" Taehyung lifted his brows. Jungkook sighed and dissapeared.

"Tae, dinner is ready!" Jimin shouted. Taehyung jumped up always ready to eat. He walked to the table. But from there he could still see Yoongi cooking.

"its not...."

"no i know, but i cald so you can help me with the table" Jimin grinned handing him the bowls.

"i see" Taehyung chuckled and started helping him. Putting the three bowls on the table.

It took around ten minutes for the food to be ready after they set the table. And Taehyung was hungry. The smell of the food was fillling the room.

"well dig in i guess" Yoongi said and started sipping his soup very loud.

"yoongi stop" Jimin said.

"its good" Taehyung said after he tasted it. Yoongi gave him a small smile.


"i want some" jungkook sat on the table. Looking at the delicious food.
If taehyung could he would share it with Jungkook. But that wont work.

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