8: strange surroundings

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Taehyung had dressed himself into normal chlothes. He stared into the mirror. Why was he so confused. He felt no emotion. It was just all blank.
There was not even a voice or a ghost to be seen. Just normal....

Was it that?

He frowned at himself trying to smile. Why cant he smile. He got even more confused.

"smile" he told himself. But it just wont happen. It felt wrong. His eyes got teary. He was not feeling happy. He wants to be happy.

"Tae you got to go, you are getting late" Hoseok warned. He was in his police uniform. Looking at the younger. He saw his teary eyes in the mirror and he walked to him.

"hey whats wrong?" he held the other at his shoulder pulling him in a hug.
Emedietly Taehyung began crying. 

"i-i dont k-know"

Hoseok felt bad for him. Its been so long since he last saw him cry. He was always happy.

"its okay to cry"

"i d-dont want to feel s-sad" Taehyung said and held onto Hoseok. He frowned at himself he cant find why he was feeling like this. And he didnt like it.

"i know" hoseok rubbed his back. The younger slowly calmed down only a sniffled left. He rubbed his eyes to get the tears away.

"okay im good now" He said.

"you sure?" hoseok asked. He didnt want him to be sad alone.

"yea, im going to work now. Ill be fine" Taehyung said. He didnt know actually. But maybe his friend Jimin can cheer him up.

Hoseok followed after him to the door. He took the car as Taehyung walked to his work. It was closer by home than Hoseoks work.

"okay till tonight hyung!" taehyung said waving at the other who drove away waving back.


"TaeTae table 7 needs to be clean quick!" Jimin said as he passed him with his hands full of plates.

He nodded and walked staight to table 7 using the wet cloth to wipe it clean. He quickly walked back to the counter.

"that will be €35" he said and finished the payment. There were a lot of people. It was a really buisy day.

"drinks drinks" taehyung looked at the order making the coffee for the customers perfectly as always.

Jimin took them and brought it towards the table.

Taehyung saw a hand wave at him and made his way to the table expecting them to order.

"can I-" he halted as he saw two very fammiliar faces. "Hyungs!" he smiled.

"hello" Namjoon said holding the menu. Yoongi gave him a peace sign with a nod.

"hello to you too" Taehyung said and grabed his notepad."did you want anything?"

"yes two chocolate muffins for us. With a blue soda" Namjoon ordered yoongi agreed and gave Taehyung the menus.

"comming right up" Taehyung smiled and walked to the counter getting the order.

"its that my Yoongieboonie!?" Jimin squeeled as he looked at the two sitting at the table.

"yes it is" Taehyung said walking to them with their order. Jimin followed and jumped next to Yoongi on the bench seat, wrapping his arms around him.

"YoonYoon" he pecked his cheek and Yoongi chuckled.

"hello Minnie" he said taking the muffin from Taehyung who was struggling to reach him with Jimin in the way.

cursed | vkook Taekook |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz