The next day we walked into school, we came in the front doors and as we were about to pass the office Mrs.Miller called our names.

"Talon, Sebastian," I heard Principle Miller's voice ring through the entryway. I turned my head and saw her waving us over. We detoured into her office as our friends kept going the other way. 

We sat in the same chairs as last time and waited until she spoke.

"So I looked over those cameras and I have decided to suspend Mr.Tarantino. I have also removed him from your classes. Your schedule will remain the same though... you won't have to deal with him in class." She paused and pursed her lips before saying "please make sure that any time he does something like that you come to me."

I nodded at her and gave a closed-mouth smile.

"Ok, you can go... I'll be bringing him in and talking to him after you," she said as she finished writing a pass for us on an aqua blue sticky note. 

"Have a good day boys."

It was a genuine smile too, this was a step in the right direction although it's not exactly what we hoped for. We left the office and headed to the english room, it was just us two today since Kacee was home sick. 

There was a slight chatter in the room as people were working on an assignment we got the day before. I turned to Sebastian who was writings down an answer on his paper. I tapped him on his shoulder, he tilted his pencil and looked to me.

~I have a counsellor's appointment tomorrow, and I'm supposed to talk about my kidnapping... I was hoping you would come there with me.~

"Of fucking course I will baby" he whispered back. I gave him a small smile. 

Later in the day in my math class, I realized just how much better school is without Mitch in it, especially having the feeling of knowing that he wouldn't be back in the class even after his suspension.

I'm also really glad he doesn't know where I live.

Later on, Sebastian and I went to his house to do some homework and hang out, though usually, the working part doesn't last very long, what can we say? Homework is pretty fucking lame. 

It was just him and I in the house for a while. We were working on our own work respectively. Eventually, Sebastian noticed the sun was going to set soon.

"Wanna have a picnic?" He asked sweetly, looking out the window from his place on the couch.

"Sure," I said, chuckling following him into the kitchen and situating myself on the island counter while he looked for something to cook.

He finally decided on rigatoni with chicken pesto and some breadsticks. When he started boiling the pasta I also made some caesar salads. 

"So wheres thi-this picnic going to be?" I asked, checking the timer on the breadsticks In the oven. At this point, he was finishing his pesto sauce while the chicken simmered on a pan.

"The roof," he responded, taking a little taste off of the spoon. 

"The roof?" 

"Yessir," he said in a singsong voice. 

When he finally finished we grabbed the pot after it cooled off enough, the breadsticks and the salad bowl, plus plates and utensils. Don't ask me how we managed to carry all of it up in one go, it was kind of like when you really don't wanna make two trips when carrying in the groceries. 

Getting all of it onto the roof was even harder. 

We went through the window in Eve's room because it was easier to get up. There was a small roof ledge on the outside of her window. Sebastian threw up blankets to the top of the roof and then he pulled himself through the window. He climbed up to the top, his house had a flat roof instead of a gabled roof so it would be easy to actually sit up there.

"Come out and hand me the stuff," he said, I did what he asked. It was a long process but we made it work.

"Now I'll help you up, cmon," he said leaning over the edge with his hands extended down. I grabbed on and pushed myself up the side while he pulled, until finally we got situated. We laid out the blankets for us to sit on and set the food next to it. We plated our stuff and once we finally started eating it felt like a reward. It tasted really good.

We watched the colours pop into the sky, the blue, purple, pink, orange, and the yellow sun. We just relaxed and ate our food. We cloud gazed as we ate. I took a sip of lemonade and pointed to one that looked like a snail. He saw one that looked like a smiley face. We kept looking until the clouds got darker and the sunset started to fade.

"It looks like it might rain" 

"Yeah, it does" I responded. 

"Guess we'll find out," he said as we finished our plates and stacked the dishes up as to keep it a bit cleaner. We layed back on the blankets and just stared up at the darkening sky, and as we predicted it soon began to drizzle.

"There it is" he commented sort of triumphantly. I pulled my arm up and lifted my fingers toward the rain, felling the water drip down. I love the smell of the air when it rains. 

"You know what we've never done?" He looked up at the sky.


"We've never kissed in the rain."

"We've b-barely kissed in general" I chuckled. Sebastian did a closed mouth laugh. 

There was a comfortable silence between us for a bit, the rain started coming down harder. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he just sat there and looked at me for a short while.

"Talon?" He says softly.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response and I looked down from the sky, turning onto my side, facing my head toward him. 

"Can I kiss you?"

I took a second but i said yes. He put his hand on my chin gently, tilting my head slightly to the side and he brought his face close to mine, then brought our lips together. 

I love the feeling of the rain but I love the feeling of his lips on mine more.

Way more.

The rain progressed to a downpour during our kiss, causing us to pull apart. Our clothes are probably soaking at this point. It also made it colder.

"Uhm... we should probably go back inside..." Sebastian said looking around, "I'll go down first, you hand me all the stuff and then I'll help you down if you need it" 

I nodded my head and told him not to slip off the roof since its wet. He got down and we did the opposite of what we did coming up. I would hand him something and he would set it inside the window.

After everything was inside Sebastian said, "Okay, I'll give you support to slide off."

I followed his instructions and sat on the ledge of the roof. I grabbed one of his hands and used my other hand to push off. He caught me bridal style.

"Inside we go!" He shouted carrying me through the window. We were both laughing and soaking wet once we got inside.

"W-wont your sis-sister be mad at this mess?" I asked as he set me down on the floor again. I was referring to the now wet are around her window from us.

"Nah, well clean it up" he responded.

And that's what we did for about the next hour. We took all of the dishes down and washed them and we dried off Eve's room, made it look like we were never there. We've been cleaning up a lot of messes lately.  That's how we ended up on the couch watching tv for the rest of the night

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