30 - New Wolves

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It was now night. I lay awake next to Flame in his bed. Now before you ask we were sleeping in it nothing more. Well, Flame was sleeping. I don't understand how he could fall asleep after what happened last night. How could someone get used to seeing all that blood and gore? I couldn't sleep but I was also afraid of falling asleep, I didn't know how horrible my dreams would be. Surely they couldn't be as bad as the nightmare that was reality. But even just experiencing it again would probably break me.

Today we explained to my brothers about the myths. Flame spent hours telling them facts about all the different kinds of myths. They once would have thought it was cool but now they seemed worried that everything was out to kill them. The real world is very scary even more now...

Flame told us that the vampires had taken over and not just Australia either, the whole world. Australia was the last place to fall because apparently, all the werecats were here. Werecats being the most powerful myth, second only to the gods and they made all the difference. Though I suppose, not quite enough. Flame told us that the surviving humans would now be farmed for their blood or be used for servants for the vampires. It was awful to think that the bustling city I had once lived in was gone and now vampires lived in it, drinking the blood of the people I grew up with.

A few tears rolled down my face, I wiped them away. It was pointless to cry. It wouldn't bring anything back. I felt so helpless, I couldn't even keep my brothers safe without someone else. My parents wouldn't have been the only dead ones if it weren't for Kara. I would be dead and so would my brothers. The helpless feeling ate away at me, it felt like there was this huge weight on my chest. I could barely breathe.

Flame's arm was wrapped around my thin waist under the blankets. It made me feel a little better and safer. Safe. I don't think I'll ever feel completely safe any more.

I really hated vampires. They were so cruel and so heartless. Flame told me that they don't have souls. I'm not quite sure exactly what that means but I know it isn't good. Why can't they just be peaceful? Everyone would be much happier that way. They didn't even drink all of the blood of those they killed. They killed just for killing sake, like some sick cat.

I started to think about what the alpha had told me earlier. My brothers. What was I going to do with them? I had no idea. All I knew is that I had to protect them at any costs. If what Flame said was true (which is most likely is) and the world really is taken over by vampires then nowhere is safe. Everywhere we could go would be too dangerous. Or at least dangerous for a human. A normal human. Something I no longer am. It's odd that all this strange stuff happened to me so suddenly. Right after Mr Pan bit me. I don't know what he did but I know he did something to me. Even if he doesn't exist, the effects of what he did are real.

I should be happy about it though. It makes me less vulnerable to the vampires .... safer. Though that word had been completely shattered for me. It just didn't mean anything or at least didn't mean what it used to.

It hit me. My brother needed to become like me, a non-normal human! Even if it only makes the slightest of differences it is still worth a try.

I would have to talk to Flame about this tomorrow. I looked down at him. He was sleeping so peacefully. I shouldn't wake him. I lay down properly and closed my eyes.

I know I will get nightmares but I needed to sleep. I needed to be strong.


I was out walking with Flame the next morning. Although it would upset me. I wanted to see what happened to the outside world, Flame agreed saying that I should know the truth. The bodies that had littered the ground were now gone. Outside it looked normal. Looked.

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