I and Aliya came out of the car with her holding my hand

Probably shy of the new environment

"Umar, if you dare come up here I'll jump, Wallahi I'll jump" she screamed from upstairs

Oya jump nau

"Dan Allah Nafisa come down, meh haka?" Umar said (what is this?)

Wow, I wish I brought the popcorn from earlier

This is so much more entertaining than frozen 2

Aliya was standing in front of me and I had my hands wrapped around her neck

That's when Nafisa's eyes turned to us and she let out a laugh, or cry, I don't even know "Haba Umar, even on my last day, you have to force me to see both of you together?"

I was having a strong urge to roll my eyes

I wasn't taking this seriously because I knew she wasn't that crazy to jump over a balcony

No matter how drunk she is, she knows it'll kill her, I mean it's pretty high

These people need to understand that

They should just let her do her madness and finish

That's when everyone's eyes turned on to us

I noticed Auwal, Nafisa's brother that I didn't really like, then two ladies clutched to one another, probably Nafisa's mum and sister

Then the others looked like staffs

"Nafisa, sauko, Ina hadda ki da Allah" her mom said (Come down, I'm begging you in the name of God)

"I'll come down on only two conditions" she said as her head swayed a little

Are we in an Indian movie??

Wow, she's really drunk

"What are those conditions?" Umar asked

Aliya touched my leg and I leaned down

"Yes Aliya" I asked

"Ya Hameeda, is she a mad woman?" She innocently asked

Let me tell you this, I tried, Wallahi I tried, I tried so fucking hard but my stupid mouth had to let out a laugh

I quickly placed a hand on Aliya's lips and I pursed my lips before it let out any more laughs

I looked up to see everyone looking at me weirdly and Umar sending me a glare

Yi haquri bawan Allah (sorry poor guy)

"What are your conditions Nafisa?" Umar repeated

She looked confused

The dumb girl is even too drunk to remember what she asked

"Oh yes, my first condition is, you have to tell me you love me" she said

What is this Dan Allah?

I felt Umar's gaze on me but I refused to look away from Nafisa

"I love you Nafisa"

Yeah we all know that already

I refused to acknowledge how I was feeling as I looked down at Aliya

I wasn't sure if she should be seeing this but I didn't want to leave either

"I love you too Umar" she gave him a sloppy smile


"Ok, ok second condition is, you have to divorce Hameeda and Marry me" she added

Wait a minute.

Are my ears playing tricks on me?

Well at this point she can jump off that balcony for all I care

Aliya is right, This woman is mad

I could feel everyone's gaze on me

I so badly wanted to hear Umar's answer but I can't let Aliya continue to see this madness

She has seen enough

I have seen enough

"Uh, Aliya, let's go back to the car ok?" I said, my voice sounding loud because of how silent the place became

Only the sounds of the crickets perched through the night

She frowned before she obeyed and she nodded

She held my hand and we walked back into the car

This time I put her in the back seat and I entered the front

I turned on the volume of the radio quite high so I could in no way possible hear them


Ahhh, drama 🦦🍿

Ok let me tell you something

I feel like any book I write in the future or the one I have written, no female character will top hameeda's attitude

I'm so in love with her attitude!😭🤣

She's a mood🤩

Me abeg I don't know what's wrong with Nafisa so please don't ask me 🚶🏾‍♀️


So here goes chapter 52🥳

Sorry for the late update 🏃🏾‍♀️


Love, M🤩

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