-PART 22-

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-next morning-

i wake up, just in boxers and tangled in bed sheets, my head hurts so bad, i hear talking down stairs. "mother fucker" i stumble up, i lean on things, i put on sweat pants. "fuck wearing a shirt" i go to the stairs, i walk down half when i suddenly fall. A: FUCK! i hear people running. U: kid! i see blood. A: oh fuck me! i get up. I: alex, let us help you. A: i..im fine, im fine. U: your hung over. i looked at him surprised when the night comes back into my mind. A:oh....right....i..i forgot. U: how di- A:it happened to often, i can handel myself. i walk into the kitchine and past the intire team, nekoma went home after dinner. i get water and some meds, i take the meds and sip on the water. i look at the med packet, soon my head hurts less. "thank fuck" it takes a few moments. " HOLY SHIT NO! I..IM GOING BACK, IM TURNING INTO MY FUCKING MOTHER!" i walk out, i go to go upstiars. S: alex, your bleeding. A: right....i forgot. i turn around and walk past suga when he grabs me and sits me on the couch. A: wh- S: im fixing you up, you cant do it by yourself. A: i can...i could even vbe a doctor. S: alex, stop, relax. i close my eyes. A: why are you all here...and staring at me. H: why did your mother make you drink? K: hinata you bo- A: because, she never cared about me, she saw me as a worthless nothing that annoyed her, shewould drug me in my sleep to make me sleep more and longer as well, when my father found out he helped me, but now she frove him away...without me and i can never see him again. soon i feel stinging in my head. A: what ar- S: dont worry about it. i keep my eyes closed. U: over 10 years? A: yup. U: did your fa- A: yup, but he could never stop himself let alone stop me. I: what else dont we know. A: hm...well, my father has had to look for me because my mother would abandon me ever since i was even 2 weeks old. At 2 months he found me on the highway on his way home, ive also been put up for adoption many times because of my mother but my father grabbed me and made them take down the ads. YG: how are you happy all the time. A: im not. TS: when are you not. A: all the time, it could be from memorys or my mind...or somthing else. U: do you think rehab would help you. A: never tried it for alchole...and over 10 years, i would have hope but...i wouldnt know. soon suga sits next to me on my right, daichi on my left. D: why never tell us. A: i was scared, i still am, i scare myself 99% of the time. S: whats the 1% A: i dont know.....but nothing in life can truely be 100% can it. KY: so your scared right now. A: yeah. Y: wh- A: i could do anything and have no controll, i could....i dont know, my mother could show up...again. I: alright, you should go to sleep alex, daichi suga, watch him okay, we will see you tommorow morning. they nod there heads. i get up and open my eyes to see them all looking at me, teach and coach leave and i head to my room, everyone follows. A: what ar- K: sleep over, we have our bags. i sign. A: wh- S: your room. A: alright. i get into my room and get on my bed, daichi cuddles next to me and suga helps everyone find a spot and set up, i have a big room so its not a promblem. suga than coms next to me, its now 8pm.

-next morning-

i wake up to people shouting. S: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, GO AWAY M: I WANT MY SON. i bolt up, i run downstairs, i see everyone in the livingroom looking svared suga yelling at.....my mother. A: outside, right now. M: your coming home wi- A:OUT SIDE NOW! she walks ouside, me following, i close the door behind me. A: ARE YOU KIDDING ME, LEAVE ME ALONE, I CANT WITH YOU MOM, YOU...I.....WALK AWAY RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, YOUR NO FUCKING MOTHER, I ONLY HAVE A FATHER, MY MOTHER, SHES NOTHING TO ME, GO RIGHT NOW. M: HOW DARE YOU. she slaps me. M: ILL BE BACK, WITH POLICE TO CLAIM YOU. A: GO! AND YOU CANT CLAIM ME, I HAVE MY RIGHTS! she walks to her car and drives off, tears spill down my face. i open the door, and go upstairs, i bath and get changed into my gym clothes, i grab my things and see everyone ready. i walk to the door, everyone follows.S S: Al- A: dont, just please. soon a car pulls next to me, its again my mother. M: KARASUNO REALLY I TAU- i keep walking. A: ignor her, dont say anything, dont even look. M: HEY YOU WORTHLESS THING IM TALKING TO YOU. A: daichi or suga, video on your phone please. S: i will. suga starts recording. M: GET HER YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS SHIT! we enter the gates and head into teh gym, as we start practise my mother flings open the doors. A: OF FOR FUCK SAKE! GO AWAY! M: GET HERE. she walks up to me and slaps me...again. A: get away... M: NO! she grabs my wrist and gose to drag me, i dont move, makeing her fall. M: Y..YOU! i pick her up and take her out of the gym, i run in and close the doors and lock them. U: al- A: its fine.


as i go to walk out with tanak and noya, a police officer grabs me, for the rest of the day, even club time im telling and showing the police what my mother did and dose and how my father pays me each week, and how i live just fine. soon im let go and my mother is put in a clinic and a jail.

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