-PART 6-

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i slowly walk over to suga and get on my knees, i grab the cloth and dump it lightly into the tub and start washing his back. A: when you get out ill get you a shirt of mine. S: t..thank you alex.  i pet his soft hair. A: of course.

-after the bath and suga getting dressed-

my shirt looks huge on him. i pick him up again and we head downstairs, i sit him on the couch next to yachi and kyoko. A: ill be back soon, im gonna make dinner, okay. before i could even blink suga grabed onto me tightly. S: dont leave me. A: suga..im not leaving. i look over at yachi and kyoko, daichi soon walks into the room after hearing the talking. Y: come on suga! we could go through all the movies and pick one that we all like! KY: suga, we wont be able to chose by ourselfs we dont know the movies alex likes. D: yeah, and i cant help them because you know me suga, i cant even chose for myself and i need to help alex with cooking. A: ah, we forgot something didnt we suga. suga looks at me tears down his face. A: ill be back with it in a second okay. he nods and slowly lets go. i go up the stairs 3 at a time and grab the a shirt i wore to the shops yestersay, i put some of my colone on it and head back down stairs, i swiftly put the shirt on suga and he cuddles into it. i mouth thank you to the girls and daichi and i go back to cooking.

-after cooking-

i placed all the food ontot he table and set the table up. daichi was cleaning all the things we used. A: dinner is ready!

-after everyone started eating-

suga put him self as close as he could to me, to the point i put my arm over him so he could be as close as he could, yachi, kyoko and daichi were on the other side of the table. D: so..alex. daichi looked like he was nervouse and suga sat upright and stared at daichi, daichi nodded at him and suga placed himself back into my hold. D: ..al..alex, its a secret to the team, but not to yachi and kyoko, the help hide it to be truthful, suga and i are...are dating and i guess you could say we always felt as if it was never completed like somthing was misiing....and then you walked in, you make everything so much brighter, to the team, to just being at home...and i guess,suga and i wanted to kn-. suga sat upright and looked at me. S: w..we want to know if you will be in a three way relatshionship with us. A: of course! KY: told you it would be fine daichi. we all laugh.

-after dinner-

yachi and suga were cleaning the plates as daichi and kyoko were setting up the beds. i started grabbing the pillows, yachi and kyoko said they would sleep next to each other. my hands full of pillows i walk into the living room and put them down on the beds. suga and yachi came running into the room at full speed and landed on there beds. we had two beds set up in total. D: what did you guys chose for us to watch. S,Y: FINDING NEMO! A: ho- S: we dont care, we are watching it! Y: ITS DINSEY TIME! as the two "children" set the movie up kyoko and daichi hop into the beds, yachi then hops in next to kyoko and suga and daichi look at me. A: what? D: get in the bed, we are sharing. i shake my head and laugh at them, i hop in the middle and suga crashes next to me, i hold both of them as close as i could and we all watch finding nemo.

-next morning- i woke up, i look and see everyone else asleep, i slip out of the middle of the bed and start making pancakes.

-after eating-

Kyoko and yachi used the daichi and sugas shared bathroom to hget ready. as we walk upstairs to my room, daichi and suga with there things. S:hey...w..c...nevermind D: what is it suga? S: it..it may be weird. A: i swear thats my middle name most days. they both laugh. S: okay well...i was thinking we could all you know be in ther eat the same time? D: i mean im up for it. A: sure. suga smiles brightly and runs into the bathroom. A: after you. suga comes running out only in his boxers and drags us in, he than gose and starts the bath messing with them temp of the water. he looks back at us. S: at least get in your boxers jezz. daichi and i laugh at him, i gently grab daichis clothes and put then on the sink bench next to sugas, i place mine next to theres.  as i turn around i see daichi shirtless and taking off his pants, suga is finished filling the bath. S: come on alex! i shuckle at the boy and he comes up to me, i ruff up his hair, daichi is now only in boxes. D: i found this unfair, alex pants off. A: okay, okay. i take off my pj pants and throw them in the corner. S:c..can we all be in there at the same time, its big enough! daichi looks at me, is seems he agrees but wont say yes if i dont. A: sure, are you joining us dachi. D: of course.  suga smiles widly. A: i'll let you two go in first. i turn to face the wall. S: thats no fair! suga grabs my wrist and makes me face him, he lets go of my wrist and takes his boxers off. D: s..suga. he smiles at us. S: oh come on we were going to find out sooner or later. with that daichi slowly takes his off. blushing i slip mine off as well and suga pulls us in. 

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