-part 11-

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I've been in this state forever, i always here them crying...sometimes coach will come and give me updates on how they all have been, im glad he knows me like that, he tells me about how he has been feeling as well, knowing that i would be worried for everyone, he also told me that the girl...summer i think went to jail for atempted murder and for also carrying a weapon on school grounds, and for hurting me. i know i've been out for a few days over a month, i just want to wake up, ive been in surgurys, they hurt so bad, i can feel it all, i can hear it all i just can see or move or talk.

-an hour later-

i hear the door open, i know its the team, after practise they visit me with teach and coach as well. N: YO ALEX! "hey guys" i always like to try to respond to them... D: hey alex. daichi and suga climb into the bed with me, i love them so much. U: hey alex, we need ya you know, we never got to go to that vollyball camp, its back on in a few weeks, we have to go this time,hope you wake up for it bud. T: yeah! we are so gonna need you! we never played with another school with you before! KY: alex..i..i kinda need you. "i miss you guys too, dont worry as soon as i wake up i'll be on my feet in no time. i start to feel a pain in my hand..the hand that had the stab in it. "AH FUCK!" i try to move my hand....i..i did it! IM WAKING UP! H: D..DID YOU SEE THAT! AS: see wh- i move my hand more, i find suga's legs. S: h..holy shit! SOME GET A DOCTOR! i slowly open my eyes as i hear the door fly open and someone running screaming for a doctor. U: daichi, suga, your gonna need to get off the bed. both boys leave my side. i frown slightly. coach walks over to me. U: can you feel anything. i nod, tears filling my eyes, the pain is getting worse. U: what do yo- A: pain. i hold up my hand. the doctor rushes in and coach tells him what i said. DR: dont worry, it will be gone soon my boy, its because you were in a coma..you couldnt feel the pain when it happened did you. A: n..no. DR: nothing is wrong, you seem okay, you can rember what happened, i'll get the papers for someone to sign. he walks out. A: bring the games on. i smile. we all laugh. A: so, a little birdie told me my stuff is all back at home. i look at suga and daichi as they climb back in and i wrap my arms around them. N: wait you heard us. A: every word. coach pats my head. U: i did the beswt i could with updates, hope you wernt worried to much. A: thanks for your updates coach, it helped me be more calm in my brain...having to talk to myself for a month...not good. we all laugh. i feel tear's from suga. A: suga? i hear a sniffle. A: suga, im fine, infact even the pain is gone. S: i missed you! A: i think i missed you and your cute face more. he laughs at me. D: what about me. i give suga a kiss on the head than daichi. A: how could we forget you and your cute face as well, i couldnt bear the month i couldnt see you guys. i frown at them and they get closer. N: tanaka, im being the best man...of mans...or i donnt know but i call it! T: NOT FAIR DUDE! i look at kyoko. A: where were my updates....you just stoped them. KY: o..oh yeah well...uhm....we are dating. she smiles at me, i look at tanaka and glare at him. A: break her i hurt you understood, thats my best friend. he salutes to me and we all laugh.

-next day-

i was walking back into school, my hand was bandaged, the scar was....ugly to say the least. we had no morning practise so we dropped off the first years than tanaka and noya, than the 3rd years than i went to my class.

-after school-

i was walking up to the locker room with everyone, im glad i woke up, when we got in there, i opened my locker. as i went to undo my buttons i relised i need two hands...they had taken some things from around my hand for my hand....i was also missing some things, i could no longer do or undo buttons or belts, i had yet to learn to do it with one hand...thats the part i hate. suddenly daichi started undoing my shirt and suga my belt and pants. i blushed. A: wh- D: dont worry about it. i smiled softly than got ready, i couldnt undo my shoes so daichi had done them as well and had helped put my other shoes on, then we all went to practise.

as i entered the gym i just...started running and jumping. the team laughed at me, noya and hinata joined me we were all screaming and running. i picked up daichi and suga and started running with them over my shoulders and run. everyone laughing. U: BE CAREFUL ALEX..WE NEED EVERYONE ALIVE.i stop running and place them down, we all steech and start, first suga and kageyama set to us and we spike the ball. i go very, very last and coach watchs me carefully, suga sets the ball and i spike it. U: any pain. i look at my hand A: other than the sting from the ball....NONE! U: alex is back in action. A: i always stayed in action. we all laugh, soon we are passing, then diving, then blocking when its finally over. U: any pain. A: im all good to go coach! he pats me on the back. U: im glad your back, i swear the gym lights up when your in here. we laugh. A: guess im god than. we laugh even more. U: BOYS AND GIRLS...PORK BUNS ON ME WHEN YOU GET TO THE SHOP. we all scream happily and head to the locker rooms, again daichi and suga help me out. we all walk to the store, me carrying yachi and suga.....and hinata. TS: jst me or dose alex not look like a dad carrying his three children. we all laugh. as we arrive coach comes out and hands us pork buns, i set down suga, yachi and hinata. U: he just woke up for a coma you 3. A: im fine. i start eating the pork bun. A: thank you coach. U: of course.

-few weeks later-

its been the same story for the past weeks, right now im finsishing packing everything i need and helping suga and daichi as well, its 4am right now and it takes us 20 mins to walk to school, suga is very tired at this time. daichi carry's sugas bag as i piggy back suga and carry my own bags as we walk to school, soon suga is snoring. D: what did you think about. A: when. D: in your coma. A: truth be told, i just wanted to wake up, to talk to you all say im okay, it pained me, after the doctor cheaked up on me at 2pm i always counted intill you guys showed up to point of learning you came right after practise. D: suga and i love you...so much, we always stayed in your bed, we just, did what we could to make it feel like you were still there. A: i love you both with all my heart. i kiss daichis lip and we walk through the gates of the school, we see coach, tach and kyoko next to a bus, daichi places mine, his and sugas bag into the bottom of the bus.


we finally all got on the bus, suga was awake now, teach started driving the bus to tokyo.


We finally arrived, i was last off the bus making sure nothing was left behind, i got out, grabed my bags and followed the team. K: OH HO HO ITS KARASUNO! B: YEAH BOYS! teach and coach walked to the other adults, yachi and kyoko went to the other managers and we walked to the other teams. D: Kuroo, Bokuto, how are you. K: we are good...who is he....he is taller then lev! B: WOAH! S: this is alex.....he is mine....and daichis......he is ours. A: nice to meet you. K: oh, your that alex! nice to meet ya man, im kuroo, this is- B: im Bokuto! K: follow us, we will show you the rooms...some changes were made this time, your coach put you in certin rooms. we follow along till we reach a hallway. K: all of you will be here. he takes a paper off the wall. we walk up to the first room K: in the first room is, kyoko, yachi a.....and tanaka? your coach made this.....okay. tanaka walks into the first room, kyoko and yachi following him, we walk up to the next room. B: this is yamaguchis and tskishima's. they both walk in there room and we go to the next one. K: noya, asahi, kageyama and hinata. the 4 of them walk into the room. we head to the last room. B: and this is daichi, suga and alex. K: have fun guys. we walk into our room and set up our beds....okay so i might mean bed...i put the room in a neat order...yesterday we were told who we would be shring a room with...so knowing it was just us 3 in here....in the music area.....with soundproof walls....i brought some toys just incase.

The New Kid - A Haikyuu Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang