-PART 20-

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A: morning coach. D, S: morning ukai! by now its 6:30am. ukai sits and watchs telling us how to improve. D: we have really old volly balls from years back...i think you should hit them, not to the point of breaking but you know. A: alright. daichi passes the ball to suga, suga sets i run, i jump, i hit the ball, it stops moving, it spins in the air, when my hand finally moved it it slammed into the floor, leaving no mark, i dint hit it that hard. i land onto my feet as the ball flys into the air than it comes flying back down. A: glad i didnt leave a mark! S: yeah.....BUT HOLY SHIT ALEX WHY THE FUCK CAN YOU DO THAT! suga runs and grabs the ball than looks at me, than the ball than the floor...he did that a few times. D: that was amazing alex, its stronger than Okiawa's T: he would have n- A: i know him...i saw him in my coma..he got banned from vollyball...for life. D: Oh?! A: yeah..brown hair. N: yeah. H: THAT WAS AMAZ- U: good job alex...thats a great attack for us to have on the team, good thing is okiawa can only do it as a serve not a spike (dont quote me) but you on the other hand. A: oh uhm, thanks? soon we are practising.


Tanaka and noya dragged me to the table we all sit at, they wisper to everyone than they all drag me to the gym. T: break the ball. Kyoko gives me an old vollyball. A: wh- N: BREAK IT BRO! A: ho- TS: do your stupid move all out. i sign. A: if i get in trouble, its your fault, you take the fall not me. i stand on the court, i pass it daichi who passes it to suga who sets it, i run i jump, bearly touching it the seems break, i it the raming of the ball and it flys into the wall, falling into peices. i land on the ground and look at them. A: whats even special about it. T: uhm, ALOT! S: kageyama, set to alex. kyoke passes the ball to kageyama, kageyama sets it, i run, i jump and i bearly touch it, the seems break, i hit the ball to the other side..its morw powerful now, maybe because my hand dosent have to stop it, it makes a dint in the back wall and falls to pieces, i land on my feet. A: well....thats knew. AS: its new because kageyama can make the ball go to its peek when you hit it. A: meaning i dont have to stop it myself so it has more power...huh, who knew that would happen. i strighten my uniform. A: its hot. i take off my jacket and roll up my dress shirt sleves. D: i swear to god i will hunt for a white dress shirt THAT DOSE NOT SHOW YOUR MUSSLES AND IS NOT SEE THROUGH WHEN YOU WEAR IT! S: YEAH, THEY ARE OURS! i laugh at them. A: really now. they both shut up. A: thats what i thought. i wink at them and mouth 'angles' to them. T: oh you two are whooped. S: its not our fault! N: what do you me- D: no no no no no no....no....nopeeeeeee. i laugh at them. A: dont worry, no one will try anything, i would denie them and the school knows about us...and about us being gay so i mean...meh. they both huff. A: dont be like children. S: we ar- A: suga. suga mumbles. the bell rings and we head to class.

-after school-

I grabbed my bag and us three walk to the locker rooms, we are the last ones there, i start un buttoning my shirt. D: wher- A: in my bag. S: you left it off! A: yeah why. suga frowns at me. S: bu- A: it was hot...most likly cause you two made it hot so, cant blame me. T: dude, that was smoothhhhh. A: i know tanaka, i know. daichi wispers to himself, but everyone hears. D: so are his abs. S: agreed daichi. D: huh! we all laugh. D: okay but im not lying! i finsish changing and i wisper to him. A: maybe you and suga can feel them up tonight, and you can finally see me cum, how bout that. D: o..okay. i smirk and walk out, as i go down the stairs i hear yelling and laughing. D: ALEXXXXXXXX! i laugh and walk into the gym. U: dont tell the others. i see nekoma high in the gym. U: its a surprise match. A: oh okay...y..yeah uhm well....daichi mig- K: daichi might what. A: oh nothing. K: who are you? U: kuroo this is Alex, alex this is- A: Kuroo. K: oh im famou- A: no..i saw you in my coma as well...strange. i look around and walk away to the empty side of the gym, the side we will be playing on. i  place my things down as the team runs in. T: dai- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!. U: its a surprise match, whats wrong with daichi? suga looks at me. i walk towards him. A: suga and i will talk to him, down worry. i pick up suga and run to the locker rooms. we get there and hear moans. i open the door and he stops and than relses a breath. S: we have to hurry. D: why?! A: surprise match with nekoma. D: w..what. A: calm down, it will be fine. i sit infrount of him. A: good thing i cant get hard easily. i put daichis dick in my mouth and he moans loud, suga shuts him up. S: daichi shhh. in a few short minuites daichi came, he changed, suga and i cleaned him, i and the area up, we than ran to the gym. U: alright lets start.

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