-PART 1-

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I stand outside of the school gate. I'm new to the town, im all alone, nothing diffrent from the last place, i bet i'll get kicked out again. I head into the gate's of my new school Karasuno.

I head to the office and grab the slip of paper telling me where to go. I head to my classroom 2-3. Im a 2nd year. As i walk in i go to the teacher and she tell's me where to sit, i place my bag and things on the desk before walking around.

-start of class-

I sit down next to the back window seat, to my right 2 boys look and me and start wispering. 

-after school-

I head to the office, under my father's and the school's demand im needed to do after school thing's. After what happened at all the other school's im surprised ive been taken in to the school. i walk into the Princable's office and sit down.

P: ah, Alex, now as surprising as it sound's, the boys vollyball team want you, as fore they think you would be a good fit, im alowing it as i know the boys will keep you in line. he passes me a slip of paper. P: The teacher will come get you soon. i walk into the hall and see a teacher standing there.

I: uhm, hello, Im the boy's vollyball teacher, my name is Takeda, nice to meet you alex. I nod at him. I: follow me i'll take you to the locker room and then we will head to the gym. i nod again, i dont like talking much, my mother allways said i was a man of few words.

-after getting changed-

we walk to the gym, i stand behind him, towering over him as we walk. after all im 6'5. as teach (my nickname for him) open's the door and enter's, me behind him, none of the players notice. I: ukai, i got him. U: hello alex, im ukai, the coach of the team, glad you joined us. i nodded at him then slightly bowed. U: these girls are the student management of the team, 3rd year Kiyoko and 1st year yachi. K: ill go get you your jacket and jersy. Y: me two! as the girls leave the vollyball team come up to us after coach called them. U: Boy's this is Alex, he is new to school and our team. D: Welcome to the team Alex (after the introductions) K: here is your jacket and jersy Alex. Yachi and kiyoko gave me them. i nod to them as thank you and bowed slightly. I'm number 13, unlucky 13, why do i somehow always get this number. 

H: how are you taller then Tsukishma, how tall are you, what year are you! K: hinta you dumb ass, shut up! N: Hey! your in Tanaka and i's class! i nod at them. T: must mean he is as stupid as you 4 haha. i look at this Tsukishma guy, i glare, how dare he say that! he knows nothing about me. U: It's okay Alex, he just dose not know how to be nice, dont worry okay. H: S-scary. K: y-yup. S: Okay lets get back to practise now okay guys. 

-after practise-

i slowly head to the locker room, the other 2nd years, hinata and kageyama running for it and the rest walking a normal pace. D: Hey alex, mind if suga and i walk with you. I shake my head and they slow down to his pace.

D: So, what postion do you play alex? i think for a moment, i've always been an ace, nothing else and i need a short answer, might as well just say wing-spiker. A: Wing-spiker. S: thats cool! Im a Setter! i nod at him. as we get to the door and daichi opens the door we see kageyama and hinata fighting. D: BOTH OF YOU STOP! they stop and go back to getting dressed. i walk to my givin locker number 13, it makes sense your jersy number is your locker number. i wait for the rest to leave before i get dressed they dont need to know what happened. S: Alex, you okay? i nod, to make it seem normal i slowly take off my shoes. T: you really take forever dont you. i raise my brow at the group, all of them dressed, are they waiting for me. T: oh you dont know do you, the whole team gets rice buns at the coachs shop after practise. i put my head down and roll my eyes. I put on my normal shoes and grab my bag, gusse im not changeing. S: alex, its okay u get dressed we will all wait outside for you. suga pushes everyone out of the room, a small smile graces my lips and i get dressed.

-after getting chnaged-

i open the door and tanaka falls onto his back. N: i told you dont lean on the door! hahaha. they all laugh at him as he struggles to get up, i hold my hand out for him to take, he grabs it and i yank him up, he weighs nothing to me, like a feather, because of how hard i pulled him up he gose flying onto noya. The rest of the group start laughing more, i feel sorry for tanaka, i didnt meant it. as tanaka and noya get to their feet i tap tanka's shoulder. A: Sorry. T: it's okay dude, your really strong, it was like i was a feather to you! it was so cool, it felt amazing, good thing i landed on noya haha. i nod my head at him, and tanka and noya give each other a look. T: tsk, took you so long and you crash tanaka into noya, you really must be full of yourself. I cant believe this kid, he keeps going and going. I wanted to glare at him but before I could suga started talking. S: okay, lets all go get out pork buns. we all walk, well, some don't, its the same partern as heading to the locker room. I see a mother cat and a kitten looking in a drain the mother trying to grab something, I stop and watch, I hear small meows from the drain the mother is reaching in. I walk over and the mother cat looks at me, I look at her then the drain and back at her again, she meows at me. I put my hand down the drain and softly grab the kitten and bring it out of the drain, I put it down next to its mother and the mother cuddles the kitten. I take my karasuno jacket off and put it on the ground, and pat it. The mother and the kittens layed down on the jacket and I pick them up, the jacket keeping them warm, as I turn around I see the whole team watching. D: There is a shelter down the road, I can take you if you like. I look at the mother cat and the kittens, the mother looks at me with sad eyes and meows, as if telling me no. I shake my head at Daichi. A: keeping. S: your gonna keep them. I nod my head.

-at the shop- as Daichi and Asahi walk in to get the pork buns, the other 3 theird years left long ago, I sit down on a chair and pet the kittens and mother cat, them purring. S: that was nice of you Alex, im sure they will be happy in your care. I give suga a small smile as a thank you. H: can they hurry upppp. N: YEAH! T: HURRY UP WITH THE PORK BUNS DUDES! kageyama just nods with them. Suga laughs softly at them. it was cu- wait no, what am I thinking, I cant do this to myself again, I wont!. Daichi and Asahi walk out and hand out the pork buns, I mine to the mother cat and her kittens, they would be very hungry and it would do them good to eat. I stand up and we all walk again.

-after asahi, noya, tanaka, hinata and kageyama split off-

D: so Alex, you like cats. i nod at him. S: Oh yeah! Alex, we do morning practise, make sure you show up. i nod and point to my street. they both wave at me and i head home.

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