-PART 13-

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-next morning-

i wake up, i see everyone else already away. N: hey, we are going to the showers, you coming with? A: sure. i get up grab some cloths and my bath things and we all walk to the showers. once inside i head to a privet shower. i lock the door get undressed, i turned on the water and let it go down my body. "this feels nice...like cuddles with suga and daichi- dont think of them alex...you need to stop, give up! they hate you, they dont care" i hear the door to the bathroom open. S: morning. AS: morning. D: who is in the pri- N: someone. soon i hear a knock on the door. S: al- H: leave him alone. D: hin- TS: he is right, leave the poor soul alone. S: gu- Y: lets all just stop talking okay, okay, good. i hear a shower turn on. K: why ar- S: because we can. i grab my soap bar and start washing myself. "i hate this...i...they dont like me, they dont care, THEY WOULD OF FAUGHT IF THEY LOVED ME" i put the soap back in its small bag and rinse off, i than wash my hair, by now all the 1st years, and tanaka have left. i turn off my shower. N: alex, we will see you soon okay. A: yup. now its just me, suga and daichi. D: now that there gone. S: d..daichi n- soon he moans. " great..fucking great! THERE PLAN IS TO TURN ME ON TO THE POINT I FUCK THEM, I WEONT GIVE IN!" i dry off, both boys moaning loud. i get changed into a deep cut sleveless sleave and some gym shorts. i grab my things, open the door and start leaving. D: your not gonna join us? A: why would i, you dont want me so why should i please you. S: al- he moans. D: thats fine, i can make suga cum more than you ever could. A: thats fine. i head to my room and everyone is in there, a tear drops down my face. KY: ale- A: im fine. N: what happened? what did they say! A: t..you want the truth. T: yeah dude. A: they made eachother moan so i left as fast as i could, when i opened the door daichi tried to make me join them, then why i said why should i please them if they dont love me he said he could make suga cum more than i ever could, i said fine and left...they were just using me...for my body. TS: im gonna kill them. KY: alex, you should at least tell ukai okay. A: can you help me. N: hey, we all can. A: thanks guys. i give them a fake smile and pack my things up, i bange my hand up in black exersise tape and we all go and tell ukai.

-one more game left-


K: ALEX! i jump, kageyama setting it to me, when suddenedly im bashed to the ground by daichi jumping for the ball, him spiking. U: DA- D: REALLY ALEX, WHY DID YOU JUMP, THE BALL WAS FOR ME!  A: can you and suga stop alre- D: STOP WHAT, DOING OUR JOBS. i stand up and tower over him. A: SHUT UP DAICHI WHY DONT YOU AND SUGA GO FUCK EACH OTHER WHILE THE REST OF US WORK HARD HUHq! D: RESPECT YOUR UPPERCL- A: I WONT EVER RESPECT YOU NOR SUGA AGAIN, YOU KNOW WHAT, TAKE ME OFF THE TEAM, IM LEAVING! i walk out and head to the room, i grab my things, the team other than daichi and suga try  to hold me down, coach and teach and kyoko trying to calm me donw. A: thanks for the fun guys, thanks for helping me and making me smile, cya. i run out of the building out of the gates and catch the next train home.

-after packing all things from the house-

i have all my things, i walk to a house thats right next to school and unpack.

-few weeks later-

i walk into the gates of school, everytime i see one of the vollyball team i run away, ive even moved my class so im not with tanaka and noya. i walk into my classrom and set my bag down, i sit in my seat.

-half way in  class-

i was writing down what the teacher was saying, him going way to fast for me...im gonna fail, i told my father about the failing from moving classes he said its okay and that he loves mne and know that im smart, ive always been slow and he knows that, turns out he moved to the USA for work, he makes a lot of money, i get 800 every friday, and he paid for the house im in, i love him...i miss him, he wont let mre move with him though, he dose not want me to be alone, i would not have friends over there simply because i cant go to schoo there. the bell went for lunch, i grab my bento and start eating, i always listin to music. suddenly a group of people are infrount of me, i look up and see the team even daichi and suga. my eyes winden i stand up, rip my earphones and go to run when i see im surrounded. A: let me go. D: n- A: WHY ARE YOU HERE! soon teach and coach turn up and ussher everyone out of the classroom other than the team and me. D: suga and i are sorry...it was our fault...we know how you are with new people and everything...then why you stayed away from us we tried to sexualy get you back. S: i..im so sorry, we both are alex...i..i- A: can i go now. U: al- A: its not fair, i dont want to talk to anyone and yet you all corner me....IN MY SEAT IN MY CLASSROOM HOW IS THIS FAIR! S: ITS NOT, IT WAS NEVER FAIR ON YOU! I NEED YOU BACK, PLEASE ALEX, I LOVE YOU, WE BOTH DO, AND WE BOTH MISS YOU! U: the team misses you as well alex. A: your just gonna fuck me over again. D: we wont, we promise, i guess we were just caught up in talking that we didnt notice. A: fine, not fine to being together but ill be back on the team...while you all practise ill set my locker up...again. S: thank you alex. A: yeah yeah, what ever. i sit down in my seat and start eating again, they all leave me be.

-that night-

i had set up my locker and everyhting again, i get changed into my pj pants after a shower and go to sleep.

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