-PART 3-

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-Next morning-

I wake up and get dressed into my school uniform. I feed the kittens and mother cat. I grab my things and walk to the end of the street. I shuld pick up Daichi and suga, and make sure they are okay. with that thought I walk to there houses and see them both exit daichis house. S: A-alex, what are you doing here. I blink, I should say more then a word to them. A: take to school. D: you want to take us to school. I nod my head. S: o-okay. with that we all start walking to the gym.

-at school-

we all walk up the stairs and head into the locker rooms. D: morning all. as they both walk in  I stay outside. S: Come on Alex, Daichi and I will make sure nobody looks. A: o-okay. I want to make them happy, a smile graces suga's lips and we walk in. I see everyone but Daichi, suga and I dressed, yes I woke up late, and hinata and kageyama were given the keys -_- 

S: okay the rest of you head to the gym and set it up us 3 will get ready. I knew the other 2 where behind me, not looking. I slowly and carful get dressed. I hiss in pain as my shirt gets caught in a new wound on my lower back. S: you okay alex. A: fine. I finsish getting dressed into my gym gear. A: ready. we all walk to the gym and head in and we all start doing strechs.

-half-way in practise-

I'm in so much pain, I never thought she would come back! neither did father, but now, he left. my sweat drips into my multiple wound. I grind my teeth and clench my fist. they don't need to know. D: you okay alex. I nod my head fastly at Daichi. S: your not okay alex. I jump a little, looking around everyone is looking at me, dachi and suga corning me into the wall. A: fine. S: your not fine! A: guys, dont you thi- N: asahi, not a good time. H: whats going on. T: something special. D: The rest of you keep practising, suga, alex and I need to talk. with that the 2 boys start dragging me up to the locker room and lock the door. S: show us alex! D: Please alex, tell us whats wrong. I want to trust them, but I cant. A: I-I cant. S: you can trust us Alex, please, we want to know your okay, we want to help you. I take a deep breath. A: okay. I take my shurt off, bruises showing I slowly turn around, them seeing the knife wounds all over my back. D: what happened alex. A: mother cam back, father ran away, she abuses, no escape. I turnd back to them, tears spilling down my face, I bet I look like a child.

D: Alex, suga and I we, we share a house together, and I bet we botrh agree, you cant stay there, you are going to take us with you home, we are going to pack your stuff and you can move in with us. S: agreed. A: I-I cant, the kittens. mother cat. S: they can come with us!. A: o-okay.

-after school-

Daichi and suga walk to the locker room with me, when I walk in I see curtins around my locker. N: tanaka, hinta, kageyama, asahi, tsushima and yamaguchi set this up for you! A: Thank you. I give them a small smile. I get changed, everyone in the same room, I feel so happy, maybe, maybe this is my family.

-at home-

Us 3 get to my home, we start packing, mother is not home yet, we need to curry, I grab a small box and put holes in it and make a small windows for the kittens and mother cat, I put them in the box and we all pack it into suga's mothers car, we hop in as my mother rocks up, my eyes widen,i put hold the box holden the kittens and mother cat tightly. D: uhm, Mrs Sugawara, do you mind speeding out of here. she nods and drives off fastly.

-after unpacking-

The place is nice, I like it here, I get dressed for bed and go to sleep.

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