-PART 12-

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S: we should change. D: yeah. with that we grab our clothes, me still not being able to do my buttons, suga and daichi help me. once changed we leave the room and find out we are the last in here, as we head down to the gym we see alot of people, me knowing no one and evryone else knowing each other, i turn my head and see daichi and suga left me. "great, this is fun....yup" i huff and leave the gym, i slowly walk around intill i find an empty gym, i go in and see some vollyballs. "i should practise" i grab a vollyball and start practising my passing, and running to the other side of the side of the court im on to get it...basically playing pass the ball with myself.

-1 hour later-

I've been in here for an hour, "nne has even walked past...i should start spiking"and thats what i do i start spiking the ball's. 

-1 1/2 hours later-

i feel abanded...ive been in here forever and no one has even noticed im even gone yet! im mad..i feel so mad right now! i throw the ball into the air and jump, i bring my hand to hit it, i hit the ball as hard as i could, as soon as my hand touched the ball the seems broke, as my hand still gose through it the pices of the vollyball fly to the other side of the room, and go through a window. i land on my feet not evben fazed, this has happened before...but not his bad...not with this much feeling. i grab another volly ball and do the same, sending it through the alredy broken window.

-after spiked all the vollyballs-

i went to grab anothe one...but i spiked them all. i sit to the ground, tears slowly spill out of my eyes, i try to blink them back but itsw no use, soon im snifflying and tears are pouring down my face like a water fall. "i should just leave, they wont even notice" i get up and walk out of the gym, i dont care anymore. I head to the room i should be staying and  grab my bag, i walk out the door, down the hallway, down the stairs and through the frount doors of the school, i walk stright through the gates when i hear someone yelling. U: ALEX, WHERE ARE YOU GOING. A: HOME ukai runs to me and holds me in place...i stand still, and look down at him. U: listin ki- A: im no kid, i never have been coach, i was born an adult. U: why are you leaving al- A: no one noticed... U: noticed what? A: I WAS GONE FOR OVER 3 HOURS AND NO ONE NOTICED, NO ONE HEARD THE WINDOW SMASHING, PR THE VOLLYBALLS BREAKING, NO ONE HAD EVER NOTICED AND JUST WHEN I THOUGHT PEOPLE DID AND THAT IT WAS POSIBLE...IT TURNS OUT IT WAS A ILLUSION! tears stream down my face, i go to leave..again. U: I NEED HELP...NO CHILDREN! i start to jog, ukai holds me back, soon enough ive been tackled to the ground by the coachs. A: get off... U: we cant alex...i ca- A: YES YOU CAN! soon teach and the managers walk over. KY: alex? i roll my eyes at her. A: GET OFF OF ME YOU STUPID PEOPLE! U: GIRLS, MAKE SURE THE BOYS DONT SEE, GET THEM TO GO SOMEWHERE...NOT THE ROOMS THEY HAVE WINDOWS, KYOKO YOU STAY! with that all the girls but kyoko leave. U: talk him down kyoko! KY: alex whats wro- A: SHUT UP KYOKO, YOU LIED AS WELL! ukai tell's the coachs, teach and kyoko why im mad. KY: alex, i was looking for you, i went looking for you ages ago i couldnt find you anywhere, im sorry i didnt think to look in the other gym, how about you stay with me, yachi and tan- A: no. KY: why not alex. A: THEY DIDNT CARE! IT WAS ONLY YOU! U: alex, we can move tanaka into where you were and let yachi chose another room to be placed in, how about that. A: f..fine. the coachs slowly get off of me and i sit up. I: ill get a first aid kit and kyoko can fix you up alex. i look and see im bleeding...m..my hand. i look at the scar, the bandge is off, its red from the hits, its even bleeding a little. kyoko sits next to me and holds my hand. KY: it may look a little diffrent alex, but your hands feel the same. A; thank you kyoko. i relised i cant do buttons. A: great im going to be stuck in these clothes. KY: why. A: i..i cant undo and redo my buttons with my hand...its to hard. KY: then when we get to the room we can find a way and we can both learn, we will find away for you to undo and redo buttons alex. A: t..thank you kyoko. KY: of course alex. 

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