"Why are you here?"

"My father was driving me insane and I couldn't take it anymore. So after a fight with him about me not capturing anyone for the burrow mission. I decided to pack up my belongings and leave. I left a note and a bracelet he got me for Christmas to know that he means nothing to me anymore." I whimpered. He got out of my face and cleared his throat. He flicked his wand and my trunk opened. He flicked it again and nothing happened but he seemed to be concentrated on something.

"Trunk is clean." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Turn our your pockets, take off your shoes and jacket." He ordered. I did as he asked and he searched everything. There was nothing.

"You are good. Now to catch you up on what you missed." Then it literally was hours and hours of him catching me up on potions, and DADA which he apparently teaches now and potions is covered by a guy named Professor Slughorn. When we were done he made my trunk go up to my new dormitory. He then sent me to all my other classes where they greeted me first with scared expressions then got comfortable. I missed a LOT but luckily I knew a lot of the stuff I missed so I don't actually have a ton of work to do.

Once I was done it was extremely late and I very slowly made my way up to the seventh floor. I went to where the room of requirement was and I said dormitory. I opened the large wooden doors to be met with a beautiful room.


I gasped as I spun around the room in joy

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I gasped as I spun around the room in joy. I landed on the bed and smiled.

"I love Hogwarts." I then saw my trunk in the corner. I walked over to it and picked out some PJs, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was in a deep sleep.

*Next morning*

I woke up the next day, really refreshed and happy. I wasn't dreading today. I was looking forward to it! Although I only had 6 days to get caught up in my subjects. Ops. I decided to do one or two subjects a day. Today is Transfiguration and Charms. Holy shit do I have a lot of homework! But I can get it done!

Once I was done with all my homework and studying I finally had about an hour of free time before the Professors would yell at me to go to bed. Mental eye roll. It felt strange being at Hogwarts by myself. (I know there are usually people staying behind for Christmas but let's pretend there isn't okay? Thanks!) But in just 5 days. Everyone will be back. Everyone will yell, scream, and harass me. But it's better than being near father. So if I get verbally and maybe even physically abused, so be it. But Draco will be there to comfort me.

I decided to go to bed early so I wasn't tired for all the stupid DADA and potions homework and studying I am doing tomorrow.

Everyday went like that one. Except on the 28th I did divination and care of magical creatures. On the 29th I did history of magic, just history of magic. Screw you Professor Binns. And on the 30th I did Herbology and Astronomy. By New Year's Eve I was dead. On the inside and out.

LOVED BY A MALFOY | D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now