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Notes: I will make this clear.

You don't have to side with Naruto. I know that some authors are expecting the readers to agree with everything they're throwing in the story.

I personally think, that shouldn't be the case.

There will be times where you WILL be siding with other people. You might think it's wrong that Naruto would destroy Konoha.

Then side with the opposing team. No hard feelings. 😁



Naruto slammed his wooden dinner table in halves. There was a reason.

She somehow got it. She... somehow got all the credit. The battle with the Tanuki jinchuriki; all the effort that Naruto had to put in for that stupid fight went into the drain.

He thought... maybe the villagers would respect him now; acknowledge him. But all he got was a simple mental slap to the face.

He wanted to say that he was fine.

But deep down in his very core, he knew that he wasn't fine; he never was. Anger and hate welled up from inside. His eyes flashed red with 1 tomoe before returning back to the normal cerulean blue.

"Why... why... why do I always have to get the shorter end of the stick?" Naruto asked himself. He never asked himself this question.

Naruto just never thought of it.

His eyes flashed red once more before it turned cerulean blue again.

Why? I'm barely managing to stop his sharingan from awakening. I've done it many times before. The time he first felt hatred; I suppressed the activation. At during the battle with that boy: Haku. The slippery snake: Orochimaru. The battle with Neji and that unstable Gaara. The kyūbi kept wondering and wondering.

But his mind stopped at the best possible conclusion.

His hatred is evolving...


A few weeks has passed and Sasuki asked information on the the traitor: Orochimaru. Kakashi was hesitant on telling her information, but he knew she would have kept on nagging or go to another source.

He then reluctantly passed down the knowledge that he gathered from Orochimaru.

Sasuki was surprised when she found out that they were similar in story. The more Sasuki researched, the more she imagined her future.
She could easily end up like him in many aspects.

She would be no-better than... Itachi.


It's been a week since then. Naruto just came back from rescuing the Slug Princess. Throughout the trip, Jiraiya noticed that the usual upbeat personality that Naruto had was replaced with a gloomy one.

When he asked Naruto what it was, Naruto didn't answer. He just said the words that were along the lines, "I don't know...". As of right now, Naruto was inside his apartment. His body was laying on his bed.

Maybe... maybe I don't need to be here. This village is holding me back. My growth was stunted purposely now that I think about it. His features hardened.

Since this village hate me... I'll hate them over a thousand folds! His eyes flashed red. His scarlet eyes of the devil spun rapidly through the night sky.

His scarlet eyes quickly evolved. He managed to evolve his sharingan not once but twice in a matter of seconds. The kyūbi gritted his canines.

Naruto stood up from his bed honed towards the closet. The closet revealed to have a bunch of his jumpsuits. Naruto saw one of two custom made jumpsuits that the Pervy Sage gifted him.

The black and the orange. Naruto was going to wear when he got older, but Naruto knew Konoha.

They various tracking teams that the Hokage could trace him down to the tea. The original jumpsuits could possibly have the scent that he gave off. So this extra different jumpsuits could prove useful in the long run.

Naruto stuffed the 3 extra jumpsuits in his backpack. But most importantly, he had Gama-chan. Let's see the amount of money in here. He quickly looked over the yen.

I am not bothering to count this much yen. Naruto did know that most of the currency was from D-Ranks. But most importantly, the Tora ones. Naruto put Gama-chan inside his backpack.

Naruto zipped up his jumpsuit and backpack. He then wrote a note.

Dear Konoha,

My days of being a ninja of the Leaf are over. I am now a rogue-nin. Don't retrieve me. I'm not returning to be hated once more. Strutting towards the window, Naruto jumped out of the window in utter silence.

He swiftly moved in the night sky. His body running towards the gate. Naruto, seeing a bunch of drunks drinking, adverted his direction. Naruto saw the gate. But as soon he was there, he realized he doesn't have a single clue to where he's going next.

But it just so happened that there is a map of the elemental nations right next to the gate. Naruto walked over to it and started observing.

As he looked and looked, he couldn't decide. But all of a sudden, a voice in his head voice its opinion. "Land of Whirlpool. It may be destroyed, but the ruins will be helpful." Naruto looked over.

His eyes landed on the "Village Hidden in the Whirlpools".

Naruto smirked before leaving exiting the village. Not knowing a certain pinkette saw his leave.

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