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|Gotham City

|November 17 2010, 23:55

Robin sighed, impatiently watching Catgirl.

He knew she needed to heal after Miss Martian's mental attack, but he also knew once she healed there would be nothing stopping her from escaping him.

He was going off trust here- something he struggled to give her these days.

"So.." Catgirl let out a breath, shakily holding a cigarette in one hand.

She was standing on the ledge of the roof, which gave Robin even more anxiety than he already had with the situation.

He wanted to go over and help her, but she probably knew that already, and if she really was the mole...what would stop her kicking him over the edge?

As much as he wanted to help her, it was too risky.

He had to act like he did with her when she was feral; support from a distance, where he was out of her claws reach.

Robin's eyes went to the gun by her thigh instead.

He'd saw her try to reach for it when Miss Martain attacked- and she never pulled it, but even if she tried to she would've been too weak to fire it.

Now she was healing there was nothing stopping her from using it, right?

Catgirl didn't look away from the skyline she was staring at but pulled out the gun.

Robin quickly pulled out a batarang, trying to calculate how to throw it without sending her off the ledge she was standing on. If he didn't catch her in time she'd-

"Relax." Catgirl held up the gun and slowly crouched down to the ledge, sliding the weapon across it to him. "Check." she insisted, "It's Batman-approved."

"I believe you." Robin looked down at his feet, resisting the urge to check it.

He didn't believe her.

Catgirl quietly laughed, coughing a little from the smoke, "Please." She coldly glanced over her shoulder at him, "You told me how you really felt back there. I sensed it.." she turned away from him, back towards the city. "You don't trust me anymore."

He wanted to.

Robin sighed and looked out at the skyline, focusing on a building a few blocks away, but even from that distance the charcoal black stains on the architecture were hard to miss.

"He wasn't always that destructive- Calico, I mean.." Catgirl had also struggled to look at anything but the wreckage of the buildings left behind.

Robin stayed silent, knowing if he interrupted her she'd yell at him and stop talking.

She took a few deep draws from her cigarette before continuing, "I never knew him as Calico I guess I might have to face he's different." she fell silent, switching her almost finished cigarette for a new one.

Robin couldn't help but feel a little concerned; she only ever chain smoked when she was really stressed.

This Calico guy was affecting her more than he thought.

"Back at the bank, the first time.." Robin hesitated to finish his question, afraid it might strike a nerve in her, but braved it anyway, "He thought you were dead at first, wanted to unmask you to see if the Catco rumours really were does that mean he believes your dead?"

"At the time he did." Catgirl diverted her eyes down to the street below them.

"But?" Robin frowned, knowing her tone meant it wasn't that simple.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu