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|Mount Justice

|October 25 2010, 21:13

"What's up with him?", Wally asked, not-so-subtly pointing over at Robin. 

He'd been hacking non-stop for an hour now.

"He's mad he lost a villain earlier.", Katherine answered, not taking her eyes off him. 

"A villain?", Wally was uncertain what exactly had happened, "You mean he was alone, or-?"

"He was with me and Batman." Katherine quietly laughed, revealing, "Bat's is still looking, with the GCPD, too proud to admit they lost a villain."

"I don't blame him. The Dynamic Duo never lose villains..."

Katherine glanced behind herself as Miss Martian entered. "They lose me all the time." 

Miss Martian leaned on the back of the couch, watching Robin with a frown, "Shouldn't we go talk to him?"

"And disturb his angry hacking?" Wally slowly shook his head, "Nooo thank youuu."

"Just leave him to get it out of his system. His fingers will get tired sooner or later.", Katherine assured, pulling out her cracked phone to check the Gotham news updates.

"New super villain, Calico, is still at large within the North Gotham area. Citizens in the area are advised to stay indoors and report any suspicious activity- Oh, we just got news he blew up a third building- it's the mayor's office!"

Katherine took in a sharp breath as the screen showed the mayor's office in a blaze. 

Wally gulped next to her, watching her phone, "There's no way Hills survived that..."

"Mayor's not in.", Robin spoke up for the first time since he sat at the computer, making them all look toward him. He explained, "He would've been taken into police custody as soon as the area went on lockdown, and- he'll be at the GCPD building, of course!" He went back to quickly hacking, not explaining what he'd realized.

Katherine and Wally looked back at her phone, M'gann now also nervously watching it from behind them. 

"The Mayor has been confirmed to be elsewhere in the city, at a secret location, away from North Gotham.", The reporter continued, "But it's already been confirmed that the security team and deputy mayor were still inside and have unfortunately been-"

Katherine quickly turned off her phone and put it away. She closed her eyes tight and took a deep breath, opening them when she felt Wally's hand on her shoulder. 

"It's not your fault.", he told her, "Your copycat acts on his own-"

"He's a copycat of me.", She shut him down, "Everything he's done, everything he'll continue to do, will be linked to me somehow. That is, unless I stop him." 

"No.", Robin stopped hacking, turning his chair around to watch her, "You go after him, who knows what he'll do. You're the one he's been after from the start-" 

"Which is exactly why I need to be the one to put an end to him." 

Robin narrowed his eyes, "And who's to say he wont try put an end to you?"


"Katherine, this is suicide!", Robin chased after her, "You're not-!" 

Catgirl held up her gun. 

Robin frowned, grabbing her arm to stop her, "Look, you're not thinking this through. Calico wants you to show-"

"If I don't he'll keep blowing up buildings!"

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now