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|Happy Harbour
|August 8 2010, 21:59

Artemis gasped and put her hand to her head. That gave Catgirl the signal that Miss Martian had everyone else on a mental link. She, of course, got weakened by the link, so she couldn't stop Artemis from thinking anything the team shouldn't know. It made her on edge- more so than she already was, with the pressure put on her by Roy and the team to do completely opposite things.

Next to her, she could feel Robin staring.

It made everyone feel that little bit safer if Catgirl was with him during missions because of his experience with handling her if she were to lose control, which under a high stress situation like this...was more likely to happen than not.

Fortunatley, she was yet to properly follow the strict sleeping schedule Batman had put in place for her, meaning if the worst were to happen, she'd not have long before her powers started to fail; the team could take her down.

Either way, she had to be mindful of her power usage, so Catgirl decided it would be best to let the team's new leader, Aqualad, to take control of the mission Red Arrow gave her. He'd not only be working the hardest, he'd also be taking the most pressure- something Catgirl needed to avoid taking herself.

All it took was one mistake to turn her feral in situations like these, but Catgirl wasn't the only team member on edge;

Artemis had barely said a thing since they left Mount Justice.

Catgirl was watching Artemis like a hawk, something she'd been doing since they left The Cave. It could be presumed she was doing this because this was Artemis' first real mission, and as a friend she was concerned for her safety, but Robin knew better than that.

They both had a link to The Shadows and Catgirl was afraid she'd let it slip.

However, Artemis hadn't really thought of anything since Mount Justice either, she'd been too busy with glaring at Kid Flash.

"I can hear you glaring.", Aqualad broke the silence.

Artemis broke eye contact with Kid Flash and stormed out, closely followed by Catgirl.

Robin went to follow after them but was stopped by Aqualad.

"Leave them.", he ordered, "Catgirl is her friend."

"Catgirl's my friend too!", Kid Flash crossed his arms and huffed.

Outside, Miss Martian was patrolling the perimeter with Superboy. Catgirl was standing by the school gates, watching Artemis watch Superboy's ass with the same thought as the rest of the team:


A dark blush flushed Artemis' cheeks when she remembered the entire team, including Superboy, could hear what she'd just thought about him.

Catgirl pinched the bridge of her nose and struggled to keep her cool with the thought that Artemis could just as easily think about her father or sister, who could've been among those dispatched to assassinate the doctor inside the school.

After few moments of awkward silence The Bioship landed infront of them. Robin and Kid Flash ran out of the school to get in, clearly eager to meet some Shadows. Kid stopped at the door and turned to face Catgirl with a confused look, "You not coming? Thought Spee- Red Arrow wanted you to stop the theft, right?"

Everyone looked at her confused; she was supposed to be in the same place as The Shadows.

Catgirl quickly thought of a valid excuse, "Motionsickness."

"The League'll also send their best here, to kill the doctor.", Artemis added, earning a sharp warning look from Catgirl.

Catgirl quickly assured Robin, "I'll just get in the way. Really, you're more than capable of stopping The Shadows there without me."

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