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|Wayne Manor
|August 11 2010, 07:38

The door to Katherine's room opened and someone stepped inside, closing it behind them. "Katherine?", He quietly spoke, "You awake?" He sat at the edge of her bed, waiting to see if she'd respond or not.

"Yes." Katherine turned around to groggily look up at Dick, who was wearing the same outfit he always did around the team- minus the sunglasses Batman made him wear to hide his identity.

They were in Wayne Manor right now.

She looked around at the room they were in and sighed, sitting up. "You know I'm more than happy to stay in The Batcave's infirmary, right? I already told you, I fucking hate this room."

To be more specific, Katherine's old room at Wayne Manor.

Dick furrowed his brows. "You do? But haven't you only been here, what, twice?"

Katherine's eyes widened. She quickly masked her surprise, "Right." She cleared her throat, looking up at the diamond chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Of course he didn't know this was her old room. Why would he?

Dick chuckled, "You're acting weird, do you have a concussion?" He placed his cold hand to her face to make her look at him, "Or you just tired?"

Katherine avoided eye contact, focusing on her memories from before she blacked out this time.

The last thing she remembered was chasing Cheshire outside. Everything was going well until Artemis, her younger sister, showed up. Prior to that reunion, Artemis had no idea that Cheshire was Jade. She knew Jade ran away to join The Shadows with her father, but she never knew she adopted Cheshire as her alias. The only way to stop Jade from exposing Artemis to the team was to let her go, so they did. Katherine wasn't going to kill Jade, especially not infront of Artemis.

"Katherine?", Dick sounded concerned, noticing her dissociate, "What is it?"

He couldn't know. Artemis' position on the team would be compromised.

Wally said they accepted Katherine for her past, but Katherine knew Artemis didn't have the same luxury; if the team found out about her background and family she'd be kicked out without a second thought.

"Nothing.", Katherine lied. "Last thing I remember is Wally drowning-", she quickly stopped, watching Dick's reaction.

"He what?!"

"Nothing.", Katherine downplayed it, "He's fine." She pushed past him to get up and stretched. "So, how long was I out this time?", She changed the subject.

Dick seemed to still be stuck on the pool thing but answered anyway, "Not even a day." He looked around her room, "But that's not what's bothering me. Bruce told me that to prove your loyalty you'd be moving You were supposed to move in last week."

"Birdy, I.." Katherine didn't know how to word it without saying something she shouldn't.

"Were you just going to hope Bruce didn't tell me and I'd never find out?"

Katherine looked out of the window and sighed. "I never agreed.", She finally said, looking out at the city in the distance, "He said since I wasn't willing to move into Mount Justice I had to move here, so I had somewhere to stay-"

"But you said-"

"I do have a place.", Katherine cut him off before he could jump to conclusions, "Batman just doesn't approve of it because it's somewhere he can't track me." She glanced back at him, saying, "I still live there...but to keep him off my tail, I'll split some of my time here."

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now