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|The Caribbean Sea
|July 22 2010, 20:08

Catgirl sickly glanced out of what Miss Martian called 'The Bioship': her Martian aircraft, which they'd been flying in for hours now.

"We're approaching Santa Prisca.", Miss Martian announced, glancing back at the team, and Catgirl, who looked pale once again from her motion sickness- that and she was really fucking scared to go back to her old island.

She leaned back in her seat and played with her thumbs to try and distract herself. It'd been years since she'd last stepped foot on Santa Prisca. The last time she was there she'd only been around 2 or 3 years old, and Felix was with her. It was their first real home, so it held a lot of memories...and the weight that came with said memories. There was a reason she'd not went back since.

Felix used to be Bane's apprentice. He became that while he still lived with Katherine in Gotham. It became their ticket out; they moved to Santa Prisca before their mom could find out about Katherine's developing powers.

To prevent her from trying to use them, Felix decided to take his baby sister and move to the island, where he would become Bane's successor to his drug empire. Felix worked on Santa Prisca for a few years before Bane moved them back to Gotham, to run the venom business there.

After living in the sewers for months, they discovered and moved into The Flea, where they stayed until the end.

As far as Bane knew, Felix just went into hiding. As far as anyone on Santa Prisca was aware, Felix was just waiting out Bane's life, until something happened so he take over the drug empire.

If only that were true.

After Felix died, Katherine considered going back to Bane, but decided to stay in Gotham with other villains. It was a dumb childish decision, one The Joker quickly made her regret.

Bane actually cared for her. He raised her for the most part of her earlier years, making sure to feed, bathe, clothe, and change her. He shipped big cats onto the island to protect her- he even gave her a portion of the island.

She technically owned 1/4 of Santa Prisca- all of it, if anything were to happen to Bane.

Without Felix, she was Bane's only successor. That meant it Bane died, Katherine got it all.

"Catgirl, please.", Miss Martian spoke, snapping Catgirl out of her thoughts, "You're hurting the bioship."

Catgirl quickly retracted her claws from her seat, not making eye contact with anyone who was staring at her.

Everyone was staring at her.

They'd been giving her weird looks ever since she agreed to come on the mission, because it could potentially end it her fighting her own family.

Obviously, they didn't know Bane was actual family to Katherine. They didn't know anything about Santa Prisca or Bane, as she'd not told them anything about her past here. She'd told no one.

As far as they knew, Bane was just a part of her villain family, not her actual family.

That was why Katherine wanted to go on the mission; Bane was family, an uncle of sorts, and he was in some serious danger. 

During the mission briefing the team was told all the shipments on Santa Prisca had simultaneously stopped.

Not delayed, stopped.

Batman told the team he thought the shipments had just been missed, but Katherine knew better. Bane never missed a shipment, forget dozens.

Something was definitely wrong, and she wasn't going to stand by and let what Felix worked so hard to build with Bane die, even if it was a lethal drug empire.

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