22: London Adventure

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After a day of seeing a ton of stores and eating alot of food, we head back to the University. As he drives we listen to the radio, the sound of voices and cars mix in the air. Since he has a convertible, he pulls down the hood and I sit on the seat. I take the scarf around me and watch if flap as I hold if against the wind.

"Do you want to go to an art museum?" Raj asks me as I sit back down.

Instantly, I smile. "Of course. Let's go."

He speeds up a little. Passing by a ton of cars, we begin to head into the city. I sat back on the seat and lifted my arms up in the air, pretending to fly as the cool air hit my face, blowing back my hair.


As I tried to get to the museum fast enough, I can hear Rhea laughing. I quickly look up at her and my heart suddenly starts to beat fast. I quickly look back at road before I can cause an aciddent.

Up ahead, the museum grows near. I begin to slow down as I turn in the street. Rhea sits back down on her chair, "That was fun. I have always wanted to do that." She says.

"You looked happy." I tell her. She lightly smacks my arm, "You are supposed to keep your eyes on the road."

I decide to look at her as we continue driving down the streets. Our eyes stare deep into each other as I begin to slow down and make a turn in the parking garage. It's the sound of a horn that makes me stop. I look and see a car backing out.

Rhea begins to laugh beside me, "Ha, see told you. You nearly got us into an accident." She points to the car, which is already driving away. I park into the space before we step out.

"Yeah, well. You should be quiet, then I won't crash." I say in a playful manner. She grabs my arm before leading me down to the elevator.

"Hey, my friend is preforming at The Great Show tomorrow. Do you want to come?" I ask her as we exit the elevator.

"What is she preforming? A dance, play?" Rhea lets go of my arm, keeping a safe distance. I start to get confused as to why she gets away from me.

"A dance. It's like art but-"

"Alive." She finishes for me as we enter the museum. "Sure, why not? It sounds like fun." She says, a playful smile lights her face.

Time Lapse: 1 hour

"Thank you so much, Raj. That was fun." Rhea says as we head back to my place. She lightly yawns as I roll up the roof of the car, and turn in the heater.

I am about to answer when I see her sleeping. Her chest rises and falls at a slow but even speed as she sleeps. I smile, and drive in a comfortable silence.

Soon, I arrived at my house, which is a two story: 3 bathrooms, 3 rooms (1 being a guest room.)

I park the car and realized that Rhea was still sleeping. I walk over to her side and pull the door open before I lift her up in my arms.

"Wrap your arms around me," I whisper. She does as I tell her in her tired state. I kick the door closed carefully before going in my house.

I walk in and see all the lights off. He must be sleeping, I think as I walk upstairs.

"Raj," I can hear Rhea whisper.

I shush her as I head for the guest room at the end of the hall. I open the door, and lay Rhea's body on the bed. Her scarf wraps around me wrist as I lay her down. She mumbles good night before turning over and going to sleep.

I smile and quietly exit the room, only to see my roommate, Rahul, standing in the hall.


It has been a couple days since Rhea left, and I haven't heard from her or Raj. Logging off my computer, I begin to get ready when my cousin Maya walks in my room.

"Sonia, can I talk to you?" She asks, slowly walking towards me.

"Sure, what's wrong?" I pat the end of my bed as I speak.

"So this boy likes me and I don't know how to get away from him." She says, irritated.

"Wow, is that the summary?" I jokingly ask her.

She nods in response, "but I want him to go away. He gets on my nerves. He always asks for my number or asks me on dates. Every single time, I reject him but he won't take no for an answer."

I smile at her, "Are you sure you're not in love with him?" I ask her.

Suddenly, I remember the time when Raj asked for a kiss.


"Hey, Sonia?" Raj comes from behind Sonia as she watches her aunt dance with her new husband.

"What, Raj?" I ask him.

"Can I have a kiss?" He asks, trying to hold her hand.

"No, get away from me. I will never kiss you." I tell him, slightly pushing him away.

"Can I have 1 dance?" He asks.

"If I dance with you, will you leave me alone?" I put my hand on my hip.

" Yes," he says in a low voice.

I grab his hand and pull him in the dance floor.

End of Flashback

"I am positive. Jared is disgusting. He "sleeps" with every girl he talks to." Maya says, speaking his name as if he was Voldermort.

"So you have fallen for a player?" I ask her in a slow tone.

"How can I be in love with someone I hate? Correction, someone I despise."

"You'd be surprised. I hated Raj when he liked me." Raj suddenly appears in my mind. I smile at the thought of us being together soon.

"And now?" Maya pulls me away from my thought.

"Now I feel as if I have fallen for him. But its different. It took me 15 years to fall for him, considering I forgot who he was." I tell her.

"So you're saying that Jared and I could end up together in the future?" Maya asks, concern and curiosity pulled her words.

As I nod, she stands up and heads for the door.

"No. I. Will. Never. Date. That. Player." She says before leaving my room.

"Just wait and see, Maya. Just wait and see."

I lay in bed and begin to think of all the memories between my best friends and I.

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