3: Preparing to meet again

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I packed my belongings, along with my computer. I looked around my room one last time, and walked out. "Raj, are you ready?" I looked to see my mother and father standing by the front door.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna miss this place," I said, looking around. My mother giggled, "We are only going to be gone for two weeks." My father shook his head to keep from laughing. "Oh well. I am ready to go see Sonia again."

"What about Rhea?" My mother spoke. I quickly remembered quiet Rhea in mt thoughts, "Yeah, Rhea also. I am thrilled to see them." I gave them a smile before we all walked out the door. The warm air surrounded us as we walked to our car.

Why didn't Rhea ever write to me? I thought on the way to the station. Soon, we were walking against white tiles, and headed towards the ticket center. Remembering I had the money, I ran ahead to see that I was next in line.

"3 tickets for Shilma please," I told the lady. She gave me a kind smile before handing me the tickets. "Thank you," I said as I began to walk away. I smiled when I was my parents in view. "Did you forget that you're not travelling alone?"

My mom gave me on of my luggage's, "You seem to have forgotten about this." She smiled. "Sorry, mom." I gave her a kiss on the cheek as I took my luggage from her. "Why don't you go find our seats, Raj?" My dad patted me on the back.

"Your mom and I have to make a phone call." He took out his phone and started dialing. "Sure," I said. Soon, I was dashing past people while dragging a luggage behind me. People moved, making my run easier.

As soon as I aw the train in view, I stopped running and caught my breath. I saw alot of people saying goodbye; hugging and kissing each other. Some were traveling alone or they had someone to accompany them.

I got on the train and found out seats. My thoughts led to meeting Sonia, my love.

Soon, we will be together. Nothing will get in between our love. I thought. Sonia and I have a strong connection, even if it is through wires and electronics. My parents said goodbye to their friends before boarding the train.

I smiled as we began to move; heading for India.


"So what does Raj look like?" I heard Sonia ask as we walked back to our houses.

"He's six feet, brown eyes, and very handsome." I said, making a smile grow on my face.

"He sounds great," Sonia said, rolling her eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow." We waved bye as we headed into our house. When I opened the door, all the lights were off, meaning everyone was asleep.

I walked into my room, and opened my window. Looking out, I saw the stars twinkle in the dark sky. A small smile grew on my face as I instantly thought of Raj.

We will see if you know who I truly am, I said to myself.

I changed my clothes, and headed for bed, falling asleep instantly. I dreamt of meeting Raj - him running to embrace me in his arms and telling me he loves me.

3rd POV 

He stepped off the train, looking amazing. He made his way towards them as the wind blew towards the girls, as if guiding him to his love. Rhea looked at Sonia, who smirked as she put a piece of hair behind her ear. 

Rhea turned around, fearing that he will go to Sonia. "Do I know you girls' from somewhere?" The man speaks. Rhea's breath gets caught in her throat as his name rolls off her lips like honey, "Raj." Slowly, she turned around and found him facing her instead of Sonia.

She stared in disbelief at the man she had fallen for, "I'm glad you remember me." He said, winking. Rhea smiled at the cockiness Raj held. "Wow, Raj. You look-," Rhea couldn't finish her sentence as Sonia finished it, "extremely hot."

"Hi, Sonia," Raj gave her a friendly hug before turning to Rhea, who stood quietly. "Hey, Rhea," He saw the sparkle in her eyes, making him smile before pulling her into a hug. She hugged him back before pulling away. 

He kissed her cheek, "thank you for writing to me." He whispered in her ear making her blush. He pulled her closer to him. "I love you, Rhea." He said before pulling their lips close. "I love you, too." was the last thing Rhea said as Sonia shook her. 

"Rhea, look." Sonia pointed out the train the drew closer to the station. Rhea shook her head slightly as her thoughts escaped her. Sonia fixed herself, silently hoping this would end soon. Rhea started to feel the guilt as the train came to a halted stop.

"Rhea, relax." Sonia said as she realized Rhea's shaky hands. "I'm sorry; I just feel guilty." Rhea responded as the 15 years of lies played in her head. "It was an honest mistake. Not a good one, but you told the truth....to me." Rhea felt a little better. 

Raj stepped of the train after a long journey, and saw Mr. Sahani walk towards them. "Welcome back, Raj." He hugged the man back, feeling happy to be back. "Hello, Mrs. Sahani," Raj said the the man's wife, who smiled gratefully.

"Welcome back. I am so happy you have returned." She gave him a kiss in the forehead before turning to his parents. Raj looked around, taking in every detail; from the rusty train to the chatty people.

Slowly, his eyes drifted onto two girls; one looked beautiful and confident, but the other look shy and quiet. He started to make his way towards them. 

The man walking in their direction have caught both of the girls' eyes. His brown eyes watched them, in hopes they don't run away. Rhea felt a slight happiness while Sonia thought he looked good. Soon, he was about a foot away.

"Hey Sonia," Raj walked past Rhea, towards Sonia. Feeling heartbroken, Rhea watched as her best friend unknowingly flirted with her love. The smile she had on her soon became a sad one.

I thought you said you would know, Rhea thought, but I should have realized your feelings for her. She shook  her head, holding back tears as she made her way next to Sonia.

"You don't look too bad yourself," Sonia poked Raj's muscular arm. "I'm gonna call you....Mr. America." She smiled, leaving Raj confused. "Isn't that where you went?" Sonia asked, cocking her head to the right.

"No, Sonia I told you that I went to London." Raj explained. How could she not remember? He thought. "Well, I'm still going ot call you that. It's catchy." Raj rolled his eyes before they landed on Rhea, the shy one.

"Hi, Rhea." He said, giving her nothing but a friendly smile. She lifted her gaze from the ground, "Hi Raj." She gave him a fake smile, which he had not known. 

"Thank you for helping Sonia and I keep in touch." He slightly bowed. Rhea's eyes widened as they landed on Sonia, "No problem." Her voice was soft, which made him feel something inside, but shrugged it off.

Rhea started walking off as Raj went back to his talk with Sonia. Halfway, she glanced back and her best friend, and the man who she loved.

The one who unknowingly broke her heart.

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