2: Connected through Emails

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Rhea-15 years later

Dear Raj,

The tune you sent me is as much as a habit as you are. Whenever I'm in church, I hum your tune. I miss you. I hope everything is well in London.

Love, Sonia. 

I sent the letter, and started my homework. After a while, I heard a ding from my computer. Quickly, I looked and saw Raj replied. I clicked and read it:

Dear Sonia,

To me, you're like a habit. Unless I've written to you about everything, I can't sleep. I want to tell you more, but we've been talking for so long. It seems like we are running out of things. You know what else, I have a picture of you and Rhea when you were 15. I asked you so many times to at least send another.

Love Raj. 

I smiled.

Dear Raj,

If you can't sleep, then start reading 'Love Story', it's my favorite book. Well...considering what you say....that you know me so well, I want to see if you even recognize me when we are face to face. 

Lots of love, Sonia 

MY smile faded as I sent the letter. "Oh, who am I kidding? You're gonna think it's actually Sonia." I plopped myself on my bed. Grabbing my book, I began to read it getting lost in the words. As I started to drift off to sleep, I heard another beeping sound.

Yawning, I walked over to my computer, and saw Raj replied:

Dear Sonia,

Who needs a picture! I will recognize you the instant I see you. Your image is in my heart. Hey, I have some good news!! I'm coming home!! I'm coming back to India. I'm going to see you again. You must be so beautiful, I'm sure.

You're still the most prettiest, still the most beautiful.

Love, Raj 

My heart stopped. He's coming back. Shut down the computer, and laid in my bed. As I thought about Raj, I slowly drifted of to sleep.

The next day 

I woke up before anyone else, so it was quiet. I grabbed an apple as I made my way out the house, making sure I locked the door. I took in a deep breath, and the smell of flowers spun with the wind. I watched the world pass me as I went to church, riding my bike..

The church was quiet, no one but the pastor was there. I walked down the long corridor till I reached the statue. Slowly, I lit the candles around the statue, and hummed the song that Raj sent me.

After my prayer, Raj's email came to mind. "That's not me, Raj. That's someone else.....its someone else." I felt empty. For 15 years, I have lied to the one I love, pretending to be the one he loves.

Suddenly, I remembered Sonia. "She doesn't know." I whispered to myself. I blew out the candles, and made my way out the church. Stepping out, I text Sonia.

To: Sonia :)

Sonia, where are you? 

I put my phone in my pocket and started to ride in the direction of her house when I feel my phone vibrate.

From: Sonia :) 

I am at the studio! Meet me there xoxo 

I took a deep breath and began riding towards the studio. Seeing as how I was getting tired, I was relieved when I stopped in front of Tina's studio. I went in and started going up the stairs.

I smiled as I heard music come from the third floor. I ran the rest of the way up, and I looked at  sign that said Studio 9. I opened the door, and saw Sonia dancing. Her short hair flung around as she moved her legs. When the song was over, she put her arms in the air as her 'Big finish."

"Sonia!" I screamed her name, making her jump a little. "What?" She asked. "He's coming back!" I said with a smile, but inside I was worried. "Who?" She asked, confused.

"Raj!" I yelled, my voice echoed through the room. "Who's Raj?" Once again, she was left confused. "The guy I've been writing to!" She rolled her eyes, "I'm gonna go change." She left the room. After she finished, we took a walk down to the bridge as I told her about Raj.

"Rhea! What have you done? How can you write the letters in my name?" She yelled, sounding a bit frustrated with my decision. 

"Ok, so I was stupid to do so, but now you have to help me. He's jut gonna be here for 2 weeks." I stated, trying to think of something. "So all you have to do is pretend you wrote those letters for 2 weeks." I reassured her.

"I can't do something so stupid." She said, getting annoyed.

"Sonia, after all I did for you? Ever since we were kids I've alsways done your homework. BEcause of me, you passed every single year." She gasped, even though we both know it's true. "But you? You can't even do this much for me?"

She sighed, "Fine, but that's it."

I hugged her, "Thank  you so much."

*Author's note* 

So I think this chapter went well. 

Thank you for the 15 reads! I know it's not much but hey it still counts!!

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