Android 21!/Another Roommate!!

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You wake up in your nice soft bed to see that Twilight, Sunset, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Launch (Blonde) were all snuggled up against you. 

(Y/N): Wow, even Launch seems to be at peace. And she's in her more aggressive personality state. 

Launch: (in sleep) Back away from my man you punks, I'm going to pump you full of lead! 

(Y/N): And she sounds cute with those threats too somehow. 

You pick up Launch and bring her to the couch, then you use a feather to make her sneeze/wake up. 

Launch: ACHOO!

Launch goes back to her blue haired kind personality. 

Launch: Good morning (Y/N)! 

(Y/N): Good morning Launch!! Can you help me make breakfast? I could use some experience. 

Launch: Of course dear!! 

You and Launch begin smooching for a while, and then you both head to the kitchen to fix breakfast. 

After some time passes by, you both go to wake up the others. 

(Y/N): Good morning my loves!!

Girls: Good morning (Y/N)! 

You kiss all of them good morning.

Launch: We made breakfast for everyone!! I hope you all enjoy it!! 

Pinkie and Sonata: ALRIGHT BREAKFAST!!!

Pinkie and Sonata zip off to eat breakfast!! 

Twilight smiles and shakes her head. 

Twilight: That is never going to get old. 

Sunset: I know how you feel Twi. 

You all go downstairs to see that you and Launch have made some fried ice with some eggs on top. 

Launch: I all hope you enjoy!! It's an old recipe I fixed back at Kame House!!

Applejack: Wow Launch. I didn't think you would be a good cook. 

(Y/N): You should see how she makes her curry!! So good!! 

Launch: I could make some curry tonight if you want!! Well that is, if I don't sneeze and decide to go and do something else. 

Rarity: You should wear a mask in case that happens. 

Launch: I don't think that would work Rarity. I would still swap. 

After a couple of minutes pass by, you guys all finish your breakfast! 

Adagio: That was really delicious!! 

Aria: Indeed!! Launch, you are definitely a great friend!! 

Twilight: Am I really seeing the same Aria Blaze?!

Aria: Hey I like her, for both sides. 

Sunset: You're all making progress. 

Adagio: Thanks!! 

Sonata: Told you that they can be great!! 

(Y/N): Right! 

All of a sudden, you guys hear a knock on the door!!

(Y/N): Who could that be?! 

Twilight: Let's find out. 

You guys go to open the door, and there you see a guy with long black hair, who looks way to familiar to you. 

Saiyan of Canterlot High!! (MLP EG harem x Dragonball Z/S Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now