Thank You So Much!!

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    Thank you, everyone, for sticking around when I only Publish a chapter every once in a blue moon! I can't believe we achieved 621 views total, and are gaining more! That's so many people enjoying my story! I didn't think I would get this many people reading it.
    I especially thank Lunnathemoonhunter for helping me with story ideas. Thanks for helping me stay motivated! I especially, also, thank her for the characters names of Madison, Ally, Ella, and Jack.
    And I thank school for keeping me busy. And I thank life problems and writer's block causing me to loose motivation to work on this story. I never thought that I would actually finish a story!
    I know this is getting repetitive, but I thank my family for helping me achieve my goals and motivate me to do better - to go beyond. And, in my opinion, I went way beyond my expectations. I thought I would never finish a book, let alone have it get this much attention.
    I can't say this enough! Thank you all, everyone I mentioned and more, for all the support! I thank my other best friend, magenta626 , for helping me through most of my personal problems I didn't feel comfortable sharing with the whole friend group.
    Until next time, buh-byeee! See y'all in the next story!

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now