Chapter 7 - Problems

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    Misty didn't know what was happening. It all happened at once. Her mortal enemy, LunaStar (also known as her killer), screamed, jumped up, her red eyes wild, and ran right into a wall, and then fell down. The black cat animatronic shut down, sputtering stuff like, "No, this can't be--!" and "But you're dead!" and "But I KILLED y-y-you! How're you--?"
Ghost screamed. Misty screamed.
    "WHAT'S GOING ON?" Misty yelled.
    No one answered her question. Of course no one did. No one really paid any attention to her anyway. She shook her head. No, there were more important things to worry about. But did she really care what freaked LunaStar-- wait. Killed? Misty realized. She's seeing someone she killed? But she sees us everyday and doesn't freak out, so why now?
    Ghost ran over to where the black cat animatronic sat slumped down, her eyelids closed. Her hand twitched slightly. That was weird.
    "Luna?" Ghost asked. "Luna?"
    Misty waved a dismissive hand. "Why care?" She answered him, even though she was deeply curious to what LunaStar had seen.
    Ghost didn't answer her, and when Misty looked at him, he was staring at something that she couldn't see. His eye twitched.
    "F-fucker," LunaStar mumbled just loud enough for the both of them to hear. "Y-you'll..... pa-a-ayyyy...."
    Misty, who had been heading over to Ghost, stopped dead in her tracks. Who will pay? Misty wondered. She forced herself to get closer to her murderer. Ghost was crouched down next to LunaStar, staring at her like he'd just relived his killing (which he probably had, Misty thought). His white, see-through eyes that showed his endoskeleton's eyes, looked startled, confused, and - as Misty got closer - a tiny bit triumphant.
    Suddenly, Misty realized something they had all forgotten in the chaos of whatever had just happened. Randy, where was he? And where did that weird furbee-looking thing go? Misty looked around the room, confused.
     There was no Randy and no body.
    What the? Misty thought, startled. Where did they go?
    "Ghost, I'm going to go look for Randy, okay?" Misty told him, then walked out of the room not waiting for an answer back.
    Misty walked out of the storage room, where LunaStar and Ghost were. The storage room had been cleaned out randomly and no one had taken the blame.
    "What if one of us breaks down, or our suits rust, and there's no parts to fix it?" Misty had fretted.
    "Don't worry about that," Ghost had reassured her, putting a hand on her shoulder.
    "But really, Ghost, think about it!" Misty protested, her voice high in panic. "Whoever took those parts might be building a new animatronic or-or, um, being a thief!"
    The parts haven't been found to this day.
    Misty shook her head, forcing herself back to the present. She had a task to do. She had to find Randy and that Furbee. "Randy?" She tried calling out. "Randy? Where'd you go?"
    She walked past the stage where she and LunaStar used to perform. "Something happened to Luna and then Ghost broke," Misty continued to call out. "Kinda' would appreciate your help!"
    "... and you just walk away like that?" Misty heard the faint talking. "Leaving them?"
      "Yeah," another voice answered.
    Misty couldn't tell who it was, but she assumed it was the Furbee and Randy talking.
    "Randy?" The dark gray animatronic fox called out again, hoping for an answer. What if Randy had taken the Furbee away and was now interrogating it? What if the Furbee had done something to him? What if--, Misty's thoughts were cut off as she entered the hallway that led to the kitchen, a party room, and another storage room. The talking had suddenly stopped. She froze in her tracks, waiting for the talking to start up again. It seemed like forever before the two talkers decided Misty had walked away.
    "What was that?" One asked. "I thought you told me the place was empty!"
    "W-well, I guess they didn't take the aninatronics with them," the second guessed, their voice wavering.
    "Let's go check it out," the first one offered.
    Uh-oh, Misty thought in alarm. She turned tail and ran. She ran back to where LunaStar and Ghost were.
"Humans!" Misty whisper-shouted in a mild panic. "Ghost, humans! Watch out!"
    But what she saw wasn't what she expected to see. She saw Ghost slumped down against the wall, supposedly shut down, and LunaStar was nowhere to be seen. Misty's panic growing, she looked around. Her mismatched eyes scanned the area, her mind unconsciously trying to pick up any information of what had happened. There was no blood, no sign of struggle. Misty pricked up her fox ears, listening. The humans had heard her run away, and were now approaching the room she was in.
    She had to think quick. Misty could quickly go run over and sit by Ghost, pretending to be shut down. Or she could position herself standing in the doorway and shut herself down completely. Yeah, Misty decided. Doing the second one is probably a better idea than risking Ghost powering on right next to me.
    And that's what she did.

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now