Chapter 15 - She Doesn't Remember?

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LunaStar woke up to Bethany and someone else leaning over her. The fight with Misty. The screaming from both parties. Bethany had come out. Misty started screaming about how Bethany looked like Emily. And how Emily killed her. And how LunaStar had set Emily up to kill her.
But Emily didn't kill Madison, Bethany did. She had helped hide the body of her former friend.
LunaStar started to get up, only to be pushed down again by Bethany.
"Don't move," she grunted.
"Okay," LunaStar replied. She fell back to the ground. "Fuck, she really put up a fight. How long was I out?"
"I don't know," Bethany answered. "She came in here, remember? And she saw me. Remember that look in her eyes? She lost herself in her rage." She paused. "And..." her voice trailed off. "And that's the last I remember. She knocked me out."
"My hook did a number on her suit, though," LunaStar informed no one in particular.
"And on yourself," Bethany shot back almost sympathetically.
"Yeah," LunaStar sighed out. She winced.
"I've patched myself up," Bethany sighed out. She paused, hesitating.
"What is it?" LunaStar asked her, sensing the hesitance. "What did you do?"
"I had an idea, but I wanted to run it by you," Bethany continued.
"Yeah?" The black cat aninatronic asked.
"Yeah," Bethany echoed. "Do you have any spare suits?"
"We do," LunaStar replied without thinking. "Upstairs."
"Woah," Bethany mumbled. "Did not expect that to work." Louder, she added, "Where is the upstairs?"
"Out the door, down the hallway, last party room you see on the left," a second voice answered.
LunaStar asked, "And who may you be?"
"Me?" Bethany asked.
"No, dumbass," LunaStar snapped. "I saw someone else."
A brief pause. "No, no one else is here," Bethany informed LunaStar with audible confusion. She was lying.
Something snapped off of LunaStar animatronic body, so she screamed.
"Sorry!" The second voice apologized. "But this needs to be done."
"ALLY!" LunaStar screamed.
"Ella," the voice corrected.
"Who?" Bethany asked.
LunaStar didn't say anything. She forced herself up to her feet. LunaStar's legs protested, but she had to see Ella for herself. But she only saw Bethany. Or, if Misty was correct and to he trusted, Emily.
"I... I thought I saw someone," LunaStar answered. The pain was gone, and - as she looked at herself - nothing was missing. So... what was that all about?
Uhg, Ally complained in her head. I knew this was a bad idea.
What was a bad idea? LunaStar wondered. What just happened?
"Anyways, I was hoping you could come with me?" Bethany asked.
LunaStar snapped herself around to look at Bethany, startled. Then she started to chuckle. "Go back? Go back upstairs? So Misty can trap me up there again? No! How do I know, Bethany, that you're not working with Misty? Or... should I call you Emily?"
Bethany's eyes widened, but she quickly regained herself. "Who?"
"Emily," LunaStar repeated.
"Emily," Bethany echoed, her mind somewhere else.
"Yes," LunaStad confirmed. "So, are you Emily? Or are you Bethany?"
Suddenly, Bethany's eyelids fluttered and, before LunaStar could react, Bethany fell to the ground. She had passed out. LunaStar screamed.

Misty jumped at the sound of a scream. "GAH!" she shouted.
Ally snapped back into focus. "I'LL SAVE YOU!" She screamed. "I'LL--" she cut herself off.
"Eh?" Misty wondered. "You okay? Also, did you hear that scream?"
"What? Oh, yeah, I did," Ally answered.
"Let's go investigate!" Misty said. She rose to get up from the floor.
Ally turned towards Misty, a weird look in her eyes. Her blue eyes almost seemed like the were glowing. "No, you rest. I'll go to Elizabeth, then I'll come back and report what I saw."
For some reason, Misty didn't correct Ally. She felt herself drift into sleep. "Okay," she managed to mumble out. "Just be.... careful."
Ally smiled. "I will be, Madison, don't worry."
Then Misty slipped into a dream.

Misty looked around, startled. Her heart was beating like a rabbit. All around her, LunaStar was sneering at her, chiding her, teasing her, and calling her names. Elizabeth's face was everywhere, now replacing LunaStar's.
Emily/Bethany jumped in front of the dark gray fox animatronic. "Aha!" She shouted. "I've got you right where I want you... Now, what fun should we have today? Hmmm..." She paused. "What about.... hide-and-go-SCREAM!"
Misty jumped awake, screaming. She jumped up onto her feet and just stood there. Her body tense, she was ready to run.
That was when she saw it. The cat.
A small, purple cat animatronic. It wasn't black like LunaStar. It had hazel eyes, not red eyes. It was about bow-tie height on Misty.
"AAH!" Misty screamed, still startled by her nightmare.
The cat animatronic just stood there, staring at her. Why did she feel like she knew this animatronic? Vague memories tried to press themselves into Misty's mind, but they wouldn't become clear enough to fully remember. Slowly, Misty calmed down.
Ally came rushing back into the room. "How are you awake?" She demanded. "How did you wake up?"
"AAH!" Misty screamed again, nearly jumping right into the cat animatronic.
"It's okay, it's me, Ally," Ally soothed her. "It's fine. It's me."
Misty took a few deep breaths. She regained herself again. "Who's that?" Misty asked Ally as she pointed to the purple cat aninatronic.
"Why, that's my new suit," Ally answered.
"Your new... suit?" Misty echoed.
"Yeah!" Ally replied, oblivious to the fact that this was the exact opposite of what Misty had wanted.
"But.... you'll be stuck here," Misty murmured slowly. "Like me. Like Her. Like all of us."
Ally dropped her gaze to the floor, saddened. "Not like we could go anywhere, either."
"We?" Misty echoed.
Ally sighed. "Ella is here, too. I don't know where the others are. I found you, Madison, and Ella found Elizabeth."
"What about.... Jack? Sabruna? And.... Justin?" Misty wondered aloud.
Ally giggled. "Justin's in a suit. Jack and Sabruna are in a suit. Ohh, Jack thinks he's so funny! 'I go by many names.' That's a reference to our friend group! Remember? We'd give each other character names from a book series we, or others in the friend group, has read?"
Misty had to recall some suppressed memories. She had swept away all memories of her childhood a... how long? She didn't know. Maybe years after she was killed.
For what seemed like forever, she wasn't in control of the suit she was in. But, after that period of time, she slowly gained control of the suit.
What happened after that was still a blur.
"Kind of," Misty answered.
"Well, at least you still remember!" Ally said, suddenly cheerful. Then she got sad again. "Sabruna doesn't remember. She still hasn't accept that we're dead."
Misty suddenly remembered something. "Wait. Waitwaitwaitwait. I don't... remember seeing Sabruna with you guys when you were killed," Misty recalled. "Sooo.... how is she with you?"
"Oh, I never said she was dead," Ally answered. "I said she never accepted that we were dead. Us, the ghosts. If... if you can call us that. I guess."
Misty's eyes widened and she forgot about how her whole body hurt and she forgot about her nightmare. "Wait.... she's here? In the Pizzaria? Why haven't I seen her before, then?"
"All for one, one for all," Ally answered vaguely.
"What?" Misty asked, confused now.
"Oh, I mean that Sabruna... well..." her voice trailed off. "Nevermind! I'll tell you later." Or not. "Okay?" Ally murmured, looking at Misty.
"Okay," Misty agreed reluctantly. "And was this about not telling me something?"
"Huh?" Ally asked.
"What was this about the 'or not' telling me about it?" Misty repeated.
"I never said 'or not,'" Ally answered slowly. Did I really say that aloud?
"I..." Misty's voice trailed off, confusion hit her.
And then, shortly after, an intense ringing noise filled her ears. It's high intensity made Misty sway. She screamed with pain. And, if Misty were to have human ears, they would be bleeding. "RINGING!" Misty shouted, unsure of what to do. "AAH!PAIN! HELP! AAAUHG!"
Misty fell to the ground, hands over her ears, trying in vain to get the ringing out of her head.
Then the door slammed open. Then Ally disappeared. Then LunaStar fell to her knees in the doorway, covering her cat ears.
"LunaStar!" A male's voice shouted in a panic.
A familiar male's voice.
Was that Ghost?

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें