Chapter 11 - Helping Traitor

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    LunaStar looked around, breathing heavily. She could feel the two souls prying at her hidden memories and secrets. And she was forced to live through each and every one of them. When her mother abandoned her, why LunaStar was always so angry, what Billy had done to her, her past life, why her life was a living hell and why only Ally knew about it. But LunaStar sensed that they didn't know about the Author's Spirit or her mind-reading powers that came with it.
    But she could peek into their own experiences. What she saw in Ally's mind surprised her the most. She had been doing research on the 'Billy Incident' and found out that Billy wasn't a man, but a woman. And her name was-- wait. Tabitha? That was Elizabeth's mother's name.
    "Tabitha Marie Otto, mother of Elizabeth Luna Otto, had taken the name of Billy Afton and kidnapped her 10-year-old daughter after admitting to abandoning her at the age of 8.  When she successfully achieved her goal, Tabitha tortured her own daughter, leaving several cuts and bruises on her body, and abused her into obedience.
    "What a cruel thing to do," Jackson Siekfin, writer of A Teen's Choice said when told this. "What mother would leave their daughter out in the streets to defend for themselves?"
    When Elizabeth finally escaped, Bonnie Northrup (mother to Ally Northrup, 38 y/o), Jerald Northrup (father to Ally, 42 y/o), Ally Northrup (11 y/o), and Londyn Northrup (9 y/o) [Dates dated back to the time of incident] took her in.
    Here is a picture of the child (8 y/o) and mother (30 y/o) below--"
    LunaStar forced herself out of Ally's memory. "You looked into it?" She asked quietly.
    No one replied.
    LunaStar grabbed the place where her arm should have been. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" LunaStar screached. "GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!"
    "You okay?" A girl's voice asked.
    "Madison," LunaStar growled, "JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!"
    "No can do," Misty retorted.
    That wasn't like Misty. Whenever LunaStar had yelled at the dark gray animatronic, she would shrink away, her voice would get quiet, and would apologize.
    "Excuse me?" LunaStar demanded, turning around. She was face to face with Misty. But something seemed... off about her. Maybe it was the glint to her eyes? Or the way she didn't seem to fidget as she usually did? LunaStar dismissed the ideas. It was about time Misty gained her confidence. But, having known Madison and Misty, doesn't happen overnight or in this kind of way. "And what did Bethany do to you?"
    "Bethany did nothing," Misty answered.
     Why wasn't she scared of LunaStar? This was new. Where was the hatred? "Then... how did she escape?" LunaStar questioned the fox.
    "She didn't," Misty answered.
    "Then what did I hear then, fox?" LunaStar demanded.
    Misty's eyes narrowed, and confusion crossed her eyes. "What did you hear, then? She's right here with me."
    "The fuck she isn't," LunaStar observed. "She's right--" she cut herself off.
    "Right here?" Misty finished. She stepped aside and there Bethany was, wide-eyed and scared.
    What the fuck? LunaStar thought. Then she remembered she had knocked herself out. Oh wait, that makes sense.
    Bethany was mouthing something, but LunaStar didn't read lips. Or... she had a long time ago, but didn't know how to anymore.
    C'mon, read my lips, Elizabeth. She isn't Misty, LunaStar heard Bethany think with a hint of desperation. LunaStar gave her traitor a look of confusion.
    "Misty?" LunaStar asked cautiously. "I don't know what the fuck you made Bethany do or say, but she's saying that you're not... you. What the hell does that mean?"
    Misty just stared at her. LunaStar's ears started to ring. "Jesus, that hurts," the black cat aninatronic swore, covering her ears. Suddenly, the ringing stopped.
    "I won't let that happen to you, too," the Author's Spirit whispered in her ears.
    What does that mean? LunaStar demanded in her mind. What's wrong with Misty?
    Misty stumbled back with a yelp. Bethany pressed herself against the wall and screamed as Misty fell inches from hitting her. LunaStar found herself walking over to Misty and Bethany, picking up Bethany by the collar of her shirt, then put her on her shoulders. Bethany held on, her arms wrapped around her forehead. LunaStar felt Bethany's fast heartbeat in her palms. She also found herself dragging Misty to a party room.
    "Wh... where are you taking me?" The Traitor asked. "And what happened to Moon? Or, the one you called Misty? Is Misty a nickname?"
    Moon? LunaStar thought. What is this crazy person talking about? "Yes?" She answered, confused. "Did Misty tell you that her name was Moon? Really? And you just went with it?"
    "I... I mean, yeah," Bethany answered. "I'm sure an animatronic knows its own name."
    LunaStar left Misty at the foot of the stairs. She started to walk away.
    "Bethany," LunaStar started.
    "Yeah?" Bethany asked.
    "What the hell were you talking about when you mouthed to me, 'She isn't Misty'?" She continued.
    "It was... a hunch," Bethany replied. "Her voice sounded different. Moon's body language changed after she disappeared. That's when I went looking for her. Then I heard you, then I panicked."
    The black cat animatronic shook her head. "Guess I'll have to get another arm," she mumbled to herself. "I did notice the same thing," LunaStar admitted. "She was more--" she cut herself off. "Why am I even talking to you right now? In fact, I should keep my word and kill you."
    Bethany stiffened.
    "But I need both arms to strangle you so I can watch as your life slowly drains from your body as your face turns blue. Hell, would you like it if I looked you up in my fucking basement and only gave you one pair of clothes and forced you to do the strangest of shit to you and I? Would it break you, too? I'm guessing it would. And when you misbehave in the slightest way, get stabbed and slapped and denied food when you've already been denied food yesterday? And you're barely hanging on? Would you try to escape? WOULD YOU?! FUCKER!"
    "You okay?" Bethany asked in a quiet voice.
    "Do you think I'm okay?" LunaStar demanded. "Do you know how long I was in that FUCKING basement? How much fucking torture I had to endure, BILLY? And did you once, stop and fucking think to yourself, "I'm kidnapping an innocent child."?"
    "But--" Bethany tried to interject.
    "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, TRAITOR!" LunaStar snapped.
    LunaStar found herself running to the storage room. She dashed through the hallway, threw open doors, with Bethany holding on for dear life. She tore open the door to the storage room and looked around for a spare animatronic arm.
    LunaStar found many other animatronic parts and actually found a black top hat. Confused, LunaStar picked it up and put it on Bethany's head, who she had sat down on the table.
    LunaStar picked up a red animatronic arm that had a hook instead of a hand. She turned to Bethany. "You an engineer?" She asked.
    Bethany's eyes widened. "What?"
    "Are you an engineer?" LunaStar repeated.
    She shrugged. "Not... really," she answered.
    LunaStar's red eyes flashed with worry. "Here goes nothing, then." She paused, passing Bethany the arm. "And try anything, and I will hurt you. Understand?"
    Bethany nodded. Then went to work.

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora