Chapter 18 - Broken

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(I'm giving credit to Lunnathemoonhunter for this memory. I did not come up with this myself, but I did take over after what she was texting me ended. Hope you enjoyed!)

    LunaStar felt light with panic as her body moved without her concent. She had flashbacks to when she killed her friends. The feeling of pure panic, of anger. Anger that she's letting this happen and that there was nothing she could do to stop it.
    Misty had looked terrified a few (minutes?) ago, but now she looked calm. Did LunaStar look calm, too? Well, she certainly wasn't calm.
    LunaStar tried to scream, but no sound was coming out of her mouth. She was confined in her own mind - trapped. Again.
    LunaStar tried to scream again. In her head, she could hear herself, but she knew no one else could.
    Misty! Misty! Misty! LunaStar called out. Misty! MISTY!
    She didn't want to relive it! LunaStar's mind wanted to throw her back into her memories - memories she had locked away.
    MISTY! LunaStar tried again. Then she was plunged into her own mind, trapped in a flashback.

    It had been a month or so after Elizabeth had escaped Billy. As she was walking along the path to the bus, some other kids appeared. These kids were mean, Elizabeth knew, but she tried to keep going. But they wouldn't let her through.
    "Where are you going, kid?" The biggest kid asked.
    "I... I'm trying..." Elizabeth wasn't used to having a voice.
    The kid smiled. "That's what I thought. Nowhere." He paused, grin widening. "Do you know who I am?" He asked.
    Elizabeth only shook her head.
    "I'm Billy," the biggest kid answered.
    "No - no! P-please! Don't!" Elizabeth almost shouted.
    "Don't what?" Billy asked.
    Elizabeth backed up, her fear showing. She didn't want to relive it again. Not again. Her time with Billy...
    The kid was confused for a moment, but then took the opportunity to keep beating up Elizabeth.
    When the kids finally stopped after what seemed like forever, Elizabeth just layed there. She had been so stupid for letting them beat her up! She had just been so... scared.
     How was she going to explain this to Ally's parents? They were going to ask questions.... She shivered as her broken body walked home.
    Elizabeth walked into the house cold and shaking. Her head down. She walked up the stairs to her room and closed the door. Ally's mom heard Elizabeth come home. She was extremely concerned at this point. Ally's mom came to Elizabeth's door and knocked.
    "Are you okay, sweetie?" She asked.
    "Yeah." Came Elizabeth's small voice.
    "May I ask why you were so late?"
    "I'm fine." Elizabeth completely avoided the question.
    "Elizabeth. Please. What happened?" Ally's mom pressed.
    "I'm fine," Elizabeth insisted. "Please leave me alone."
    That wasn't good enough for Ally's mom, though. "I'm just worried."
    "I just want to be alone," Elizabeth repeated.
    "Okay. Come to supper, at least," Ally's mom said, giving up on finding out what happened.

  (This is where Lunnathemoonhunter had to go)

        Elizabeth didn't say anything else. She didn't think she could eat anything. She didn't deserve it after letting those kids beat her up.
    A few minutes later, there was a soft knock at Elizabeth's door.
    "Elizabeth?" A small voice asked.
    "Leave me alone," Elizabeth said.
    "You know I won't go away," the voice joked. "I'm coming in."
    No, Elizabeth thought. No, no, no, no! Ally would see me like this! She couldn't let Ally see her like this!
    "Don't!" Elizabeth almost shouted. But then her heart started to race. Billy's words echoed in her head.
    "Don't you tell me what I can't do!"
    "Y-you can come in," Elizabeth stuttered, quickly changing her mind.
    "U-um, do you want me to?" Ally asked.
    "Yes! I mean no - but I do! No, I don't," Elizabeth answered, struggling against her rising panic.
    "You will let me in when I tell you to!"
    "O-okay, I--I'll come in," Ally said, opening the door, coming in, and then shutting it behind her.
    Elizabeth had wrapped herself in her blankets, trying to hide her wounds. Ally gasped when she saw Elizabeth and ran over.
    "Elizabeth! What happened?" Ally demanded.
    Elizabeth flinched back. She inwardly tensed, waiting for the punch or slap - old habits engaged.
    But nothing happened.
    "I... They..." Elizabeth started but it was no use, she couldn't say anything.
    "Those kids again?" Ally pressed.
    Elizabeth was shocked. She hadn't told Ally about those kids.
    "One of them was named Billy," Elizabeth whispered.
    Ally said nothing, just pulled Elizabeth into a hug. Elizabeth felt like she should cry, but she couldn't. She felt nothing. Repressed memories of her time with Billy tried to come back, but she pushed them back down again.
    "Billy, Ally... Billy!" Elizabeth continued, echoing herself.
    "Don't worry about her--him," Ally whispered back.
    Don't worry about 'her'? Ally tensed, realizing she let something slip.
    "You're here now, and that's what really matters," Ally continued as if nothing happened.
    Elizabeth didn't care right now to ask questions. Having heard those words spoken by Billy himself, Elizabeth immediately switched back to her old habits. Whenever Billy said that, he would softly caress her cheeck. If she flinched, Billy would get mad and slap her. Elizabeth tensed, waiting for the touch... and then the slap.
    But nothing happened. No one touched her face. No one hit her. Why? Why wasn't she being hit? Elizabeth started to panic. That's what usually happened, but it didn't happen.
    WHY WASN'T SHE BEING HIT? WHERE WAS THE ORDER? Where was the order thing went down...? Elizabeth started to shake with the anticipation she felt.
    "Why are you shaking?" Ally asked as she pulled away from the hug. "Are you... okay?"
    Elizabeth just stared at Ally, trying her best to not let her fear and impatience show. Billy didn't like it when she showed fear.
    "Londyn!" Ally called, making Elizabeth flinch. "Sorry," she apologized to Elizabeth.
    "Coming!" Londyn called back. "Just give me a sec, my dude!"
    "Okay!" Ally called back. This time, Elizabeth didn't flinch. Billy didn't like it when she flinched back. But why hadn't she been hit the first time?
    The door opened behind Elizabeth and Elizabeth froze. She tried her best to stay perfectly still. Billy didn't like it when she tried to move away.
    "I'm here, my dudes!" Londyn announced. Footsteps approached and the door closed behind Londyn.
    Billy never talked like that. Where's Billy and who was impersonating him? Due to her fear, Elizabeth didn't turn around.
    "I was hoping you could help me?" Ally informed her... sister? Elizabeth's surroundings threatened to come back. Billy's basement faded away and Ally's room came into view. Slowly.
    "With what?" Londyn asked suspiciously.
    Elizabeth took deep, long breaths. Ally was in front of her. Londyn was standing next to Ally. Elizabeth gave them both confused looks.
    "Billy," Elizabeth whispered again.
    "Oh! That's... Well..." Londyn started. "My dudes, I don't know how to help."
    "Here," Elizabeth continued. "Here."
    Ally's voice sounded faint when she talked. She sounded like she was trying to soothe her friend. Her secret lover.
    Elizabeth realized that she was acting up, stopped talking, and tensed again; waiting for Billy's punch. Whenever Elizabeth got like this, Billy would do worse then slap her, as he usually did.
    Billy didn't like it when she talked without him inviting her to.
    Elizabeth's vision was darkening. Dots danced across her vision. Elizabeth knew she was going to pass out. She was hyperventilating. Billy didn't like it when--
    Then Elizabeth passed out.

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now