Chapter 6 - Sayori

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     LunaStar followed Misty, Ghost helping to hold her up. The see-through rabbit animatronic said nothing, and nor did anyone else. Misty didn't bother to ask what was wrong. Why would she care, anyways? LunaStar had been the one to betray them, but they didn't know the whole story. It was as if something else had taken control of her body. As if her body wasn't her own.
    LunaStar took a deep breath, pulling herself back to the present. The trio walked past Misty's room. LunaStar had no idea where they were heading. She had the entire upstairs memorized - she had to of memorized it or she would've gotten lost. But she did NOT have the downstairs memorized. Hell, if she did, a new guard would come.
    LunaStar had finally stopped crying, but she still sniffed from time to time.
    You're such a cry-baby, LunaStar, Misty thought irritably. What ever made you so sad? Oh, wait. It couldn't be the fact that--
    LunaStar couldn't take it anymore. She had always wondered what others had thought about her and the things around her. But now, hearing this from her best friend, was too much. Well, okay... LunaStar wasn't Misty's best friend to her, but LunaStar imagined that they were. She would never voice this thought aloud - that would be stupid. But--
The image of her mother flashed in her head again. Blood still pouring from ber body, but she was still alive - LunaStar could tell. This startled the black cat animatronic. She turned to look at Ghost, who had stopped holding her up a while ago, and saw him looking at her. She looked back and gave him a small smile.
    Then she remembered Ghost's thought from before; Do you think that she feels the same way I do about her? No, Ghost. She's a killer - a murderer. So why can't I stop thinking about her?
    It was only then did LunaStar actually realize what that meant. He loved her, even after everything she did to him. Why? She asked herself. How do you even feel attached to me in any way shape or form?
    He smiled back, then blinked a few times, and then he turned back to face Misty.

    LunaStar ran up to where her mother lay. Someone must have cleaned up the blood, because it was like it was nonexistent.
    "What happened?" She demanded, not turning to face the others. The only person in her life that understood-- no. LunaStar's mother was a back-stabbing bitch. She had sent Billy to her, knowing what he'd do. She knew. LunaStar was filled with rage as she thought back to the incident. He had broken her - robbed her emotions and self-control away from her. She just barely kept her fist from banging on the floor. It was all she could do just to keep her fists balled up.
    "Do you think this was the thing that was talking when we went to get Luna?" Ghost wondered, not expecting anyone to answer.
    "Maybe," Misty simply said. Then she sighed. "Luna sure seems attached to it - whatever it is."
    LunaStar was about to turn around and punch Misty and then explain how this 'thing's' name is Mamma. She had no idea why she was called that, but she was Elizabeth's mom.
    Part of LunaStar wanted to just walk away from the bitch, and the other wanted to cradle her. What was wrong with her? Why wasn't she reacting or saying anything? Why couldn't she move?
    Another voice startled LunaStar out of her thoughts. "Hey. What's, um, going on here?" He asked. "Oh. Right."
    "Oh. Right."?! LunaStar thought, outraged. That's it? AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO TELL ME?!
    Well, I did let you see a part of what I saw, The Author's Spirit said.
    Where's the blood, then? LunaStar demanded.
    Hmmm, the Author's Spirit mused. Let me see.
    LunaStar would never hear the answer to that question.
    That's weird, the newcomer thought. And here I was, thinking I was the weird one. Jeez.
    The fuck? LunaStar wondered, finally turning around to face the newcomer. Misty and Ghost were talking to him already. LunaStar sighed softly to herself and got up.
    And when LunaStar thought she had the mother that she once had before, she decided to die on her. The bitch. And she could've been the only one to understand what she was going through, LunaStar admitted to herself, even if she would never say so aloud.
    LunaStar froze. The realization hit her. The brown dog animatronic was Randy. She knew that name from when Billy had tortured her. He had told her to call him Randy. So... was that Billy? LunaStar couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. WHY COULDN'T SHE SAY ANYTHING?!
     Don't say anything, the Author's Spirit ordered. Not a word. I've seen every possible way this could go down. First one, they think you're crazy. Second one, they dislike and distrust Randy, which would be bad. You know how he likes attention. And third--
    Shut. Up, LunaStar thought. It was all she could do. Not. Another. Fucking. Word.
    Oh, jeez! The Author's Spirit gasped. Well, fine then. I'll leave you alone until you come begging for me.
    Wait! LunaStar thought. Before you go, answer my question. For confirmation, Randy is Billy, right?
    No answer.
    Right? She tried.
    Nothing. Complete silence.
    LunaStar let out a scream of frustration, anger, and sadness. Frustration and anger at the voice in her head and at Randy and sadness at the sight of the body on the ground.
    "Jeez!" Randy said. "What was that about?"
    Should I go to her? Ghost wondered. Or should I stay by Misty? He repeated these thoughts for what seemed like forever. Then, at last, Ghost must have decided to go to her because she felt a hand touch her shoulder.
    "I... d-don't know," Misty answered.
    "Huh," Randy said.
    Approaching footsteps. Agitated and annoyed thoughts. Misty was coming to see her.
    The footsteps didn't stop near LunaStar as Ghost's did. They kept going. Going past her. Ghost had not lifted his hand off her shoulder and the black cat animatronic was starting to get annoyed.
    "Would you mind taking your hand off of me?" LunaStar asked quietly.
    "What do you mean? She heard Ghost's voice ask. "I'm still over here, talking to Randy."
    LunaStar's head hurt. She didn't say anything back, whereas before, she would have made some kind of comeback.
    "Th... then what's on my shoulder?" LunaStar demanded, red eyes narrowing as she turned to face them. She screamed, jumping back.
    What LunaStar was facing was not another animatronic. It was a black shadow-looking figure. She thought it seemed ironic and iconic. But what scared her the most was the wide, white eyes and a smile that seemed to be full of teeth and stretched so far across its face.
    "Hello," it said, talking to her as if this was completely normal.
"U-uh," LunaStar stuttered, now terrified.
    "There's nothing there," Ghost informed the black cat animatronic at the same time. "Are you feeling okay, Luna?" He sounded uneasy.
    "I don't--" Misty started, then their voices were cut off as a louder voice boomed in her head.

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now